Qualcomm to Revolutionize C-V2X with the wave of 5G Technology
With the growth of V2X technology, the much-awaited future of our transportation system is approaching sooner than anticipated. The V2X tech – valued at USD 689 Million in 2020 – is predicted to be worth USD12.9 Billion by 2028. If you were out keeping track of technologies that will grow big, I’d ask you to […]
The Untapped Market of Enzymes in Food Technology
According to a study, around 65% of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose. This means a majority of people cannot consume most dairy products. However, it’s also true that a major subset of this population would love to consume alternatives that taste like dairy, albeit without the consequences. This signifies there’s a […]
Companies Leading the Research in V2X Technology
This is the second part of our 3-part V2X series. But before we go ahead, let’s take a quick recap. In the first part, we talked about how V2X communication is going to change the world for good. We then saw how the V2X market is doing both in terms of C-V2X and WLAN-V2X and […]
Major Challenges and Alternative Sources of Natural Rubber in Tire Industry
As the world swiftly moves towards adopting autonomous and Electric vehicles, the tire industry – which is one of the most important components that drive these changes – is still dealing with some major challenges. What are those challenges, you ask? Well, let me list them down for you. The coming generation of autonomous vehicles […]
V2X Communication: The Next-Gen of Road Safety
On average, there are 6 million car accidents in the U.S. every year, with Massachusetts holding the top spot for the highest percentage of drivers with a prior at-fault accident. That’s roughly 16,438 people per day who never return home. However, the rollout of 5G technology paved the way for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) connectivity. And with […]
Top 12 Startups Leading the Research in IoT Technology
This is the final part of our 4-part IoT Series. Previously, we talked about 5 Leading IoT Companies and their position on the IoT Value chain, looked at some of the major happenings in IoT in 2020, and discussed everything you should know about the IoT Market. In this part, we will discuss the promising […]
Acquire Standard Essential Patents in 5G to grow your portfolio
With the deployment of 5G networks speeding up across the world, 5G SEP declarations are also skyrocketing. All the SEP holders are aggressively declaring their 5G SEPs to ETSI to strengthen their position in the industry. Nokia, for instance, announced last year that they declared over 3000 5G families to ETSI (source). Samsung also claimed […]
IoT Market Research – Everything You Want to Know at One Place
In the early 2000s, companies with business models entwined with the internet saw their stock prices collapse. As a result, businesses and students started to believe that the computer industry was a mature business of decreasing opportunity. But Bill Gates thought otherwise – “If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, […]
Top 10 Startups Leading the Research in Edge Computing
This is the fourth and final part of our Edge Computing Market Research Series. In this article, we will discuss the top startups researching and working in edge computing technology. In the previous articles in the series, we had a complete overview of the Edge Computing Market Trends, the main challenges in edge computing and […]
5 Startups worth considering for M&A in Smart Glass domain
After Smartwatches, Smart Glasses are considered to be the next major development in wearables that will enter into our daily lives. Many startups and major tech players are trying to create smart glasses that will change how we see the world around us. In the upcoming era, it should not come as a surprise if […]
Edge Computing Challenges and their Solutions
This is the second article of our 4-part Edge Computing Market Research Series. In this article, we will talk about the major technical challenges of Edge computing and the solutions provided by the companies researching it. The advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing have pushed the horizon for a new paradigm […]
Edge Computing Market Research – A Look At The Trends
“Organizations that have embarked on a digital business journey have realized that a more decentralized approach is required to address digital business infrastructure requirements. As the volume and velocity of data increases, so too does the inefficiency of streaming all this information to a cloud or data center for processing.” – Santhosh Rao, Senior Research […]
IoT Trends: A look at some of the major happenings in IoT in 2020
Being a research company, we love exploring technology trends and digging up insights related to those technologies, and lately, we have been fascinated with telecom technologies, and in extension, IoT. In our quest to explore the landscape of IoT technology, we tried to cover three different aspects, i.e. – market landscape, investment landscape, and technology […]
Who Owns Core 5G Patents? – Essentiality Check on 5G Declared Patents
This report is an update to the report titled “Exploration of 5G Standards and Preliminary Findings on Essentiality” published May 26, 2020. This report covers more than 700 technical specifications and technical reports related to 5G technology covered in the 3GPP Portal. The scope of the prior report covered 12,002 patent families, having 63,985 individual […]
IoT Companies: 5 Players Leading the Market
“The Internet of Things is transforming the everyday physical objects that surround us into an ecosystem of information that will enrich our lives. From refrigerators to parking spaces to houses, the Internet of Things is bringing more and more things into the digital fold every day, which will likely make the Internet of Things a […]
Alternative Protein Industry and Where Is It Headed?
Over the years, consumers have realized the importance of protein intake. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is a modest 0.8 grams per kilogram of your body weight. But with the recent environmental disturbances, it’s not that simple anymore. Consumers today, demand non-meat based protein in their food products. And thus, the food industry […]