How are Labby and Amul Tackling Livestock Disease Outbreaks?

how are labby and amul tackling livestock disease outbreaks

The recent livestock disease outbreaks, such as the 2022 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Indonesia affecting thousands of cows, have showcased the importance of livestock welfare for dairy companies.  With a growing focus on animal welfare, products enhancing livestock feed quality and the lives of farm animals have surged. This includes organic and non-GMO foods, cage-free […]

FrieslandCampina, Danone, Lactalis, and Nestle are Redefining Dairy Packaging

How are Lactalis and Nestle Redefining Dairy Packaging?

The strategic shift towards smart packaging is poised to revolutionize how dairy products are packaged, distributed, and consumed, fostering a more sustainable and consumer-centric approach in the industry. By integrating smart packaging solutions, dairy companies like FrieslandCampina aim to enhance operational efficiency and provide an enriched consumer experience through personalized offerings.  Other industry giants like […]

Danone and Unilever Are Adopting Regenerative Agriculture in Dairy

Are Danone and Unilever Adopting Regenerative Agriculture in Dairy?

Dairy ingredients account for over 50% of Ben & Jerry’s total greenhouse gas emissions. For years, the dairy sector has faced widespread criticism and negative portrayal for its perceived cruelty and environmental impact. However, dairy companies today actively seek to alter this narrative by adopting practices that contribute to the environment they rely on for resources. One […]

5 PFA Alternatives For the Textile Industry Amidst the Recent US Bans


The use of PFAs, aka forever chemicals, is being prohibited by organizations around the world. Many states have already enacted the ban from U.S. federal and state agencies. This has disrupted industries heavily reliant on PFAs, a prominent one being the textile, specifically the protective clothing industry. PFAs used in the textile sector account for […]

Dairy Giants Like Arla and Yili are Digitalizing The Dairy Industry


The COVID-19 pandemic has even pushed dairy companies to embrace digitalization to engage with consumers effectively, gain insights into consumer behavior, and gather data for optimization and efficiency improvements.  In fact, companies like Nestlé have set up a target to get 25% of their sales from e-commerce by 2025. It’s clear that the dairy industry, […]

Minimizing GHG Emissions: What are dairy Giants like Danone and Arla doing?

Dairy Giants like Danone and Arla are minimizing GHG emissions

The dairy industry has long been associated with high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, as sustainability becomes a key focus for governments and consumers become more conscious about their choices, the dairy industry is actively working to reduce its carbon footprint and regain consumer trust. This article explores how dairy companies combat GHG emissions and […]

Yili and Fonterra are taking probiotics beyond digestive wellness

Yili and Fonterra taking probiotics beyond digestive wellness

Probiotics have gained widespread recognition for their role in promoting a healthy gut and improving digestion. However, the impact of probiotics extends far beyond the digestive system.  This article explores the companies harnessing the power of probiotics to address mental health issues, combat aging, and boost immunity.  Probiotics Beyond Gut Health. Fonterra’s approach to enhancing […]

5G Companies: Which Players are Leading the Market?

These 12 companies are leading the market in 5G

This is the third article of the 5G series. The first article covered the features that set 5G apart from its predecessors, along with new technologies. In the second article, its application areas in various domains have been discussed. Given its extensive application areas, one wonders—which companies are doing research on 5G? Recognizing a shared […]

Targeted Sugar Removal Technology – Insights from Michael Gordon, CEO of Blue Tree Technologies

Breakthrough tech removes selective sugar upto 50%

The rising diabetes-related deaths and the detrimental effects of obesity have prompted governments to take action. Regulatory bodies are introducing sugar-reduction laws in the food and beverages sector, thus encouraging companies to adopt sugar-reduction technologies. However, reducing sugar while maintaining consumers’ taste preferences has remained a challenge for the industry. Blue Tree Technologies‘ selective sugar […]

Seven 3D Food Printing Startups Disrupting the Food Industry

7 Disruptive 3D Food Printing Startups

In March this year, a group of engineers successfully made a delectable cheesecake from scratch on a 3D printer. Until now, most 3D food printing was only possible for uncooked products. Columbia Engineering’s research, on the other hand, used lasers to cook the cheesecake as it prints. (Source) As the world becomes increasingly fascinated by […]

Scaling up Sugar Reduction to 80% – Insights from Eran Blachinsky, Co-founder Better Juice

Breakthrough tech reduces sugar upto 80%

As the demand for low-sugar food and beverage options grows, companies face the challenge of delivering the same great taste without compromising health. Catering to the trend, companies and startups are exploring novel approaches and developing products that meet consumer demands.  One such startup we came across is Better Juice. The Israeli startup can cut […]

GreyB Technology Trends 2023: Keeping Pace with Technology


“The future of innovation has to include not only technology but economic viability.”  – Dennis Muilenburg (CEO of Boeing) The pace of technological change is accelerating rapidly, and with AI powering every industry, 2023 is set to be a pivotal year in this ongoing revolution. One of the most significant moves is the convergence of […]

5G in Healthcare: A Game-Changer for Remote Diagnosis and Treatment

5G in Healthcare: A game-changer for remote diagnosis and treatment

The healthcare industry is witnessing a paradigm shift in patient care. The advent of remote healthcare Post COVID-19 has democratized access to quality and affordable medical services across the globe.  According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, telehealth visits in March 2020 saw a staggering 154% increase compared to the previous year. […]

Sodium-ion Batteries: A Boon for EV & Stationary Energy Storage Systems

Sodium ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries have been the dominant energy source in electric vehicles (EVs) for more than 2 decades now. However, a new worthwhile contender has emerged in recent years, one more abundant in nature: sodium-ion batteries. As the name suggests, these batteries have sodium ions as the charge carrier. The transfer of ions between the electrodes, […]

These Breakthrough technologies are transforming Hospital Management Solutions

These breakthrough technologies are transforming Hospital Management Solutions

According to a ShiftMed survey in 2021, almost half of all nurses in the United States (49%) are considering leaving the profession within the next two years. However, a new wave of startups is emerging, aiming to use hospital management solutions to alleviate hospital staffing shortages.  In the last 12 to 24 months, these startups […]