
The Secret For Maximizing Return On Investment While Monetizing Patents

maximize ROI of a Patent while Monetize

Today was the most important day in Bob’s life. Bob holding a Mont Blanc in his hand was seconds away from signing a deal with XYZ Technologies. Bob is a patent owner who had spent 10 years of his life researching technology focusing on call forwarding and ring silencer techniques in mobile phones. After spending […]

How to make Money from Patents When Reverse Engineering doesn’t confirm Infringement?

Ever broke a phone by mistake? Feels bad, doesn’t it? Ever broke a phone knowingly. No. Well, we broke three of them. Three brand new, flagship smartphones. Why? Well, we were working on a Reverse Engineering project for a client who was interested in purchasing a particular patent if infringement is established. Reverse engineering the […]

How We Used Reverse Engineering to Confirm Patent Infringement?

Reverse engineering patent infringement

One of the major challenges faced by a patent licensing manager is to find and prove evidence of an infringement. Not so strong evidence of the use chart can become a standalone factor for the failure of a patent licensing program. Reverse engineering can help confirm patent infringement by mapping relevant claims to the result […]