TC Heartland Decision and its impact on NPE Litigation Trend
On May 22nd of 2017, the Supreme court of the US issued its landmark ruling on TC Heartland LLC V Kraft Foods, the decision being credited to have changed the law on venue for patent cases. Few months later in mid-November, the US court of appeals confirmed the same, holding that the TC Heartland decision was in […]
Visual Memory vs NVidia – What led Federal Circuit Reversed District Court Decision to Declare Claims Disclosing Programmable Memory System Patent Eligible Subject Matter?
Visual Memory sued NVIDIA for infringing its US5953740 patent. NVIDIA in a response filed a motion under Rule 12(b)(6) which was granted by the district court. The district court scrutinized claims of 740 patent under the step one of the Alice Test and found the claims to be directed to the “abstract idea of categorical data […]
Cosmo Technologies Vs. Sun Pharmaceuticals – Why US9320716 May Get Invalidated?
US9320716– An apparent sword in the arsenal of Cosmo Technologies -a subsidiary of COSMO Pharmaceuticals- has been on the battlefield a lot, lately. This weapon of choice, both individually and in combination with others, has been used to rage lawsuits against big pharma companies including the likes of – Sun Pharmaceutical, Mylan Pharmaceutical, Lupin Limited, […]
7 Post-Alice patent cases that survived 101 rejections – Clearing some cloud of doubts on software patent eligibility
By the time the Alice decision marked its second anniversary, more than 8400 applications got abandoned while 60,000+ applications got rejected due to the decision. The district court decisions clocked around 247 – invalidating 70% of them – and Federal Circuit at 40 – invalidating 95% of the patents under 35 USC 101. “No U.S. Supreme […]
Samsung-Apple Verdict might Affect these 29 Design Patent Cases
Seems like Christmas came early for Samsung! Last week, a landmark ruling in given on one of the most popular patent battles between Samsung-Apple on writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Justice S. Sotomayor delivered the court opinion on the writ of certiorari which says that Samsung […]