
Indicators for Telecom Companies to identify 5G SEPs in their Portfolio

how to identify 5G SEPs

Preamble In this study, we aimed to identify the top players in the 5G technology (NOT 5G SEP, NOT Core SEP) and countries which are flag-bearers for innovating in this technology. The intent was to make people aware of the progress made in the industry so far. It was an automated analysis and no manual […]

What is 5G Technology – Requirements, Initiatives, and Enabling Technologies

what is 5g technology

5G is the next-generation network technology that succeeds 4G LTE network and offers much faster download and upload speeds with low latency than 4G. The battle for 5G supremacy is in full swing. Disruptive technology holds enormous potential to add economic value to all walks of our lives. It is 5G technology that will make […]

FRAND Terms for 5G and Automotive Industry needs an update. Here’s why

Recently, it made to the headlines that Daimler had lodged a complaint with the European Commission against Nokia as Nokia refused to license mobile components and insists on indirect licensing of the entire vehicle. This reminded me of another case, where Broadcom filed a billion-dollar lawsuit against Volkswagen for infringement of their patents related to […]

Understanding the current innovation game in 5G V2X domain

5G V2X Communication research

With the exponential improvement in innovations in the communications domain, the cars of today are becoming increasingly connected – both with each other and the environment. V2X, which stands for ‘vehicle to everything’, is the umbrella term for a car’s communication system, where information from sensors and other sources travels via high-bandwidth, low-latency, high-reliability links, […]

5G Applications: A Host of Niches Ranging from Healthcare to Automotive

5g applications

5G – Is it truly disruptive or just a few Mbps faster than the current network? After a while lost in bringing life to the idea that existed only in theory years ago, 5G is finally here! The inception of ubiquitous 5G, an evolution of wireless 4G LTE, has left the entire telecom world buzzing […]

How Blockchain can solve the Telecom Industry’s major challenges?

blockchain use cases in telecom

Blockchain, with its emergence, has brought companies of several domains on their doors and one of those domains is telecommunications. As communication service providers are openly accepting the disruptive power of Blockchain technology in their systems, the market of the amalgamation is increasing at a steady pace. Valued at $46.6 million in 2018, the market […]