The tug of war between industry giants and SMEs
Take a deep dive into the patent strategies of the leading innovators
Significant patent filings in recent years show the rapid growth the automotive industry is experiencing. However, big corporations dominate the market, accounting for 74% of patent amendments. This dominance brings opportunities and challenges, especially with mid-sized companies holding crucial patents in certain areas. Additionally, some segments face fierce competition, leading to high “patent blocking” rates.
SLATE is your compass in this dynamic terrain, providing a roadmap to strategically utilize your IP assets, optimize innovation, and gain a competitive edge.
This report will help you with the following-
1. Strategic Insights: Gain deep insights into the patent filing trends of dominant players in the industry.
2. Unlocking Opportunities: Identify key areas with high “patent blocking” to analyze potential disruptions and opportunities.
3. Harnessing Mid-sized Innovators: Discover which mid-sized companies hold key patents in specific segments, unlocking acquisition opportunities.
4. Strategic IP Asset Utilization: Analyze how industry leaders strategically utilize IP assets for innovation to stay ahead of the competition.
As competition intensifies, strategic patent filing in the automotive domain will be crucial. The evolving IP strategies towards comprehensive claims and efficient prosecution will shape the future of innovation in the industry.
Get the SLATE Automotive report to gather strategic insights and lead the automotive industry.