
Unlock the future of Regenarative Sustainable Efficient Smart
Packaging with GreyB

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Pivotal across various industries, Packaging ensures product integrity, safety, and market appeal. However, packaging companies face unique technical challenges in adapting new-age solutions that address evolving consumer demands and sustainability goals- hindering their business.

GreyB helps packaging companies solve these challenges by uncovering ongoing research and breakthrough innovations, empowering innovation managers, R&D heads, and packaging directors to achieve their goals in this dynamic landscape.

How are we helping clients

Tech Scouting

Become the next breakthrough in packaging. Identify solutions to overcome technical bottlenecks in packaging innovation.

Technology Landscape

Mitigate the risk of falling behind and ensure compliance with evolving standards. Get a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements, trends, and regulations shaping the packaging industry

Startup Scouting

Stay ahead of market disruptions. Identify/Acquire startups with disruptive packaging solutions that have the potential to revolutionize the industry landscape.

Whitespace Analysis

Establish market differentiation and capture new customer segments. Find potential gaps in the packaging market for strategic expansion

Market Research

Align product development with evolving customer needs. Gain in-depth insights into market trends, consumer preferences, and demands.

Competitive Analysis

Find market segments that competitors may be capitalizing on. Analyze competitors' packaging strategies, products, and technologies.

Areas where our packaging solutions help

Cellulose-based materials

Glass packaging

Carbon neutral packaging materials

Edible packaging

Recycling materials and tech

Vendor sourcing and evaluation

Paper/Cardboard Barriers

Food grade packaging

Snackable insights on the move

Zhejiang Shuren University (China) is working on a chitosan/epsilon-polylysine intercalated montmorillonite antibacterial packaging film. Here, epsilon-polylysine serves as an organic cation that enters the montmorillonite layers through the ion exchange principle. Through this, the montmorillonite is uniformly dispersed in the chitosan solution. This step improves the mechanical property of the finally prepared packaging film. Meanwhile, the epsilon-polylysine provides an excellent bacteriostatic agent, and the bacteriostatic property to the packaging film.

Innovate UK has funded a project called HiBarFilm2. This project (started in 2022) will carry on for 30 months. In this project a consortium of 9 entities came together to innovate next gen high barrier films using plasma functionalized nano-materials for food packaging applications. The objective is to achieve the same barrier performance using mono-materials Polyolefin film as currently used multilayer barrier film.

BIOMAC (European Sustainable BIO-based Nanomaterials Community) has received funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program. It is working on a bio-based PLA film which is reinforced with bacteria nanocellulose. The developed film is aimed to be 100% compostable and have high oxygen barrier properties along with increased storage life. They have also released an open call for onboarding five companies to bio-based nanomaterials. So, they are seeking more research partners to expand their project

Trend Report:
Sustainable Packaging Innovation Trends

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