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Boosting Soil’s Carbon Sequestration with AI & Satellite Data

March 13, 2024

Estimating and improving the carbon sequestration capabilities of agricultural soil, using satellite data and machine learning algorithms

Efforts to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions across diverse industries show promise in estimating potential reductions. However, accurately quantifying CO2 emission and absorption in agricultural soil remains a challenge. Despite soil’s potential for carbon sequestration, traditional agricultural practices hinder its full utilization due to a lack of methods to assess efficiency. 

As a solution, Tata Consultancy Services has developed a method to estimate carbon sequestration efficiency by combining the efficiencies of satellite imaging and machine learning. The process includes capturing satellite data for various parameters such as satellite images, geo-coordinates, a carbon map, and agroclimatic zones. Based on these data points, the system provides data regarding the initial Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) level, Soil Organic Carbon Below Ground (SOC BG) and Organic Carbon Above ground (OC AG). These data points are also used by a machine learning model to suggest suitable crop and agricultural practices that would provide a good yield as well as improve the carbon sequestration efficiency of the soil. 

The system developed by Tata Consultancy Services is a prominent advancement because it not only assesses soil carbon content but actively recommends improvements in farming practices to boost carbon retention in the soil. Given their recent patents spanning various agricultural technologies, their method shows substantial potential for elevating precision farming and contributing effectively to the agricultural sector’s response to climate change, Suggesting they could become a promising partner for developing precision agriculture prediction models in the future.

This case exemplifies Tata Consultancy Services’ initiative in refining agricultural sustainability and highlights how our dedicated focus on technology scouting can uncover pioneering solutions aimed at improving carbon capture in soil, thereby potentially forging strategic partnerships in the realm of precision agriculture and climate-smart farming practices.

GreyB Services Pte. Ltd 1 Scotts Road #24-05, Shaw Centre Singapore Singapore

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