How to find prior art without spending countless hours on citation analysis?


Have you ever been lost in the ocean of cited references in a patent invalidation search?   Citation analysis, although a powerful strategy, is often limited to the second or third generation of cited patents. It is difficult to go beyond because as you go from the third to fourth generation patents, the number of patent […]

How we found a prior art in patent invalidity case from a previous lawsuit

Has this ever happened to you during a litigation grade search that you found prior art in complaint documents? Yes, those very documents which in a previous infringement lawsuit was used to invalidate the claims of a patent?  Not yet? Grab a cup of Joe as today I’ll narrate the tale of how we found […]

How we used literature available after the cut-off date to find X references?

“Do you think prior-art searches are only about looking at relevant literature available before the cut-off date?” – I asked the newly joined members of my team. All bewildered by the question, responded with a nod in unison. “Well, you all are kind of right. This is the reason most of the searches are focused on […]

Designing a Product – How Ignoring Patent Clearance Search could be fatal?

patent clearance search

You (or your company, for that matter) are working on developing a product. A result of a ton of brainstorming, a dozen or more presentations to senior management, and a couple of approvals – You have high hopes for the product. A significant innovation in your niche, you are pretty sure the sales numbers would […]

Prior Art Search: Digging Deep into Combination Art

As a litigator, you love killer prior art,  don’t you? But sometimes you must make do with 103-type if you are in the US. The sound of 103-type just made you sigh, didn’t it? It is justified too. Weak prior art can create conflicts for any attorney in any case. Fighting with a 103-type prior […]

Can our products face litigation when they come to the market?

Patent Infringement Risk

How do you assess for your company, if the risk of patent litigation is ahead on the cards? Companies, especially the ones based on internet technology face a constantly evolving landscape. This in turn makes them vulnerable to financial and reputational losses if IP risks develop.  As a result, it has created an exigency for […]

Non-patent Search: How we killed an ecigarette patent

Has this ever happened to you – You are conducting a prior-art search and something keeps on jabbing at the back of your head, questioning whether you have explored everything?  Well, it happens to most of us, particularly while exploring non-patent literature. Let’s assume, that you have finally managed to exhaust all the patent literature […]

An FTO Search Strategy That Can Effectively Cover All Kinds Of Threats

As a business head, how do you handle the Freedom to Operate (FTO) study for a product that has multiple features? Do you feel the fear of missing out on possible threats while conducting the clearance search? Fear of missing out on threats is quite justified because your key objective with the search would be […]

Books: A wonderful source of finding prior art!

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”  ― Jorge Luis Borges I’ve heard this quote many times, yet hadn’t felt it until now. Recently, I was analyzing the stats of the projects we’ve done over the last year and was very happy that in the majority of the cases we […]

We Found Prior Art for a 4G Telecom patent using Link Adaptation Concept from 90s

4G patent prior art

“I don’t know what else I can tell you, it seems nothing good exists,” said the attorney on a conference call. This conversation took place during one of the interim connects in the project lifecycle (mostly around 40% or 80% completion point). The patent we were tasked to invalidate was around communication technology, relevant to […]

Patent Preliminary Analysis – Which Patents Can be Invalidated?

patent preliminary analysis

Almost every day, multiple patent litigations suits are filed. The increasing frequency of these cases indicates companies are now more inclined to stop competition or get value over their claimed invention. But what if these claimed inventions are not new/valid – Is this deal fair? As per recent statistics, In 764 out of 1086 IPR […]