How to Perform a Free Comprehensive Trademark Search?

free trademark search

Joe came up with a great name for his soon-to-be-released product. He is proud of the selection and cannot wait to share it with the world. In this moment of excitement, he makes plans to move forward with the name for the new product line in the United States. There is a problem, though: No […]

Google Patent Search – A Definitive Guide for All Kind of Patent Searches

Google Patents Search

If you are planning to conduct a Google Patent Search and want to try your hands on Google Patents, you landed on the right page. This is one of the most comprehensive guides ever written on the web on Google Patents Search. Even if you have already used Google Patents search engine and are at […]

USPTO Patent Center – A Massive Treasure Chest for IP Industry

The patent community has been facing a few prevalent issues recently. On 20th April, the USPTO unveiled the Patent Center in beta version to address those issues. The main highlights of this Patent Center include: You can check out all the features of the Patent Center here.  Here’s a quick preview of the Patent Center. […]

MS Office: A Holy Congregation of Shortcuts for Patent Professionals

With Halloween coming around this week, we thought why not indulge in “Trick-O-Treat”, but the only trick here is that it’s gonna be “Treat-O-Treat” for you. On this spooky season, wanna lift your workplace spirits? Here are some nippy shortcuts that might help. Bake some five-spice Apple pie and bring it to office. Buy pumpkin […]

Our Award-Winning Patent Search Tool, Catalyst, Eliminates Traditional IP Research Obstacles

Like trial transcripts, birth certificates, and property deeds, patents are supposed to be freely available to anyone interested in reading them. And officially, they are: patents are a matter of public record, available online for reference via the national patent offices where they’re stored. But for reasons we’ll detail below, for the vast majority of […]

Why you should not rely on just one database for all your search needs?

This article highlights some of the issues caused by sticking with just one database for all your search needs and how it could be solved. Whether you’re an attorney/counsel searcher conducting searches, this article will surely be an eye-opener for a lot of you. Whenever we start a new project our first tendency is to […]

What you do not know about Google Image Search

If you are a person who deals with design patents, then we have written this article for you. This article highlights how conducting design searches using Google Image Search feature could throw confidentiality out of the window, especially in cases of patentability searches. What are your thoughts on novelty and design search? Which one would […]

Hackers tip – One tip to Enhance Readability on USPTO

As Professionals in Patent industry, we spend most of our time reading patents on USPTO Patent Database. Oh yes, there’s google patents too, which has hands down, made our life easier,  but sometimes for the sole love of USPTO,  we love to go back there and read patents. Nothing wrong with that. But don’t you […]

How Standardizing Assignee Names help us deliver Best Results?

Incomplete data is as useless as no data. Especially true in the case of the patent services industry, insights generated from data can prove both useless and absolutely worthless if the data on the basis of which insights were built was incomplete or deficient. To give you an instance, let us consider that automaker Toyota […]

6 Hit and Miss of PatentsView That You Should Know

Last Week, USPTO launched a new tool to visualize the patent data of past 40 years (1976-2014). Its development is a part of Barack Obama’s plan that began in 2012 and aims to increase the value, utility and transparency of US patent data. To develop PatentsView, USPTO collaborated with USDA, the Center for the […]

USPTO Launches Collaborative Search Pilot Program for Improving Patent Quality

The USPTO recently launched a new collaborative search pilot program with JPO and KIPO to ameliorate patent quality and derive more consistent results. The pilot program with JPO was launched on 1-August-2015 and with KIPO on 1-September-2015. Both the programs will be active for 2 years, examining 200 applications each per year (400 totals), that can […]