Find Standard Essential Patents in Your Portfolio with GreyB’s proven manual methods

Standard essential patents (SEPs) facilitate technical coordination through standard-setting organizations. However, there are instances where the status of a declared SEP being truly essential to the standard remains unclear. That is why when we published the 5G Report to determine True 5G SEPs in 2020, media outlets and community forums bombarded us with a recurring […]
Patent Databases: 18 Best Free and Paid Patent Search Platforms

The choice of patent databases highly depends on the motive beneath it, or in other words, the type of patent search involved. For instance, for a prior art search that is for current litigation, you would want to choose a patent database that covers the patent documents of most of the patent offices. Exhaustiveness is […]
Mistakes you make 99% of the time while reading patents

I won’t pretend that reading patents is the most thrilling activity in the world. As a user experience designer at a patent research firm, I’ve spent more time than I care to admit poring over patents. Now that I come to think of it, that’s because I was making two trivial mistakes while analyzing these […]
Atlantic IP’s Litigation Campaign: What Telecom Companies Need to Prepare For!

While one cannot deny NPEs’ role in innovation protection, heavy litigation from them does create uncertainties and turmoil for companies. Do you remember when 5G networking became the talk of the town? Well, that’s also when NPEs were on the prowl, suing left and right. One such litigation campaign led by Atlantic IP had given […]
Bell Semiconductor’s US7231626B2 is taking semiconductor companies under its radar. Are you safe?

Bell Semiconductor, an entity of Hilco Global, has thousands of patents in the semiconductor domain. However, despite the connotations, it is a category 2 Non-Practicing Entity and doesn’t seem to sell or develop anything. Instead, the company focuses solely on acquiring and asserting patents, and its recent lawsuit against 25 semiconductor companies has become a […]
4 ways to use the FCC database in patent infringement search

Patent infringement search cases can become complex and challenging to navigate when product literature is to be extracted from thousands of NPL sources. What if, while checking every single database, you miss out on information that could be related to the prior art or even the potential infringer’s activities? How will you decide the priority […]
Use this Feature for Non-patent Literature Search

Whether you’re a seasoned patent expert or just starting to dive into the field, you already know how important non-patent literature (NPL) search is when invalidating a patent. However, a non-patent literature search comes with its own hassles, especially juggling a wide range of platforms to find the prior art. is one free tool […]
Why do GreyB Analysts add manual Data Cleaning and Validation over the automatic ones?

Once a patent is filed, it is out there in the open for everyone to see. However, many companies wish to keep their important inventions hidden. So at times, they do this by performing conscious mistakes in the patent document. Additionally, clerical or database error also eliminates important information in the patent. When companies request […]
7 Advanced Google Patent Search Tips Every Researcher Should Know

Wanna be that person? Well, you are on the right track. Google just provided us with upgraded weapons; through this article, I’ll share seven of its best features. Another good news is that we have created a long definitive guide for you that teaches how to use Google Patents Search. You can go through the […]
Managing your Organization’s Data in an efficient manner

Have you ever spent a lot of time sifting through information that already exists within your organization? Has it ever happened that the internal knowledge of all the past projects got overlooked by the assigned team member and you ended up working on similar projects from the scratch over and over again? 54% of US […]
How GreyB performs SEP essentiality checks in a cost-effective way?

With 5G into the picture, wireless communication has moved way beyond smartphones and telecoms. Today, the companies in sectors such as Healthcare, Automotive, Gaming, etc. are developing products/services compliant with the 5G standards. Thus leading to the importance of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs). This gives the SEP holders (Companies with 5G SEPs) an upper hand. […]
Google Scholar Search: How to Use It for Legal and Academic Research?

Ever since its launch in November 2004, Google Scholar has become an indispensable search tool amongst students, researchers, and legal practitioners around the globe. Be it for working on their thesis, searching for fellow researchers and their work, or searching for prior art or any other law-related search, it has become the pervasive tool, the […]
How to do a Patent Search Yourself? – A Patent Search Tutorial

If you have been searching for a comprehensive guide on how to conduct a patent search, I would like to congratulate you because your search has just ended. This is your one-stop solution where today I’ll walk you through how to conduct a patent search either patentability search or prior art search by yourself using […]
4 Types of Patent Searches: Everything You Need to Know

Intellectual property, especially patents, are one of the most important intangible assets of a business – especially the ones that sustain majorly by inventing and innovating. Given that the development of any kind of invention consumes a lot of time and money, it only makes sense to protect the inventions by protecting/patenting them. Getting a patent […]
7 Unconventional Ways to Perform A Design Patent Search

There are a hundred different ways to perform a patent search – You can perform it on a commercial or a free patent database. You might choose a conventional way or go totally out of the league – and choosing any of these ways can help you accomplish the task. But often, those common and […]
How to find prior art without spending countless hours on citation analysis?

Have you ever been lost in the ocean of cited references in a patent invalidation search? Citation analysis, although a powerful strategy, is often limited to the second or third generation of cited patents. It is difficult to go beyond because as you go from the third to fourth generation patents, the number of patent […]