Become The Leading SEP Contributor To Wi-Fi 7 With Your Wi-Fi 6 Patents!

Leading the SEP for Wifi 7 Become the leading contributor with Wi-Fi 6 patents

While Wi-Fi 6 has reshaped the connectivity landscape, the arrival of Wi-Fi 7 presents both a challenge and an opportunity for telecom players. Poised to power everything from immersive AR/VR experiences to ultra-high-definition video streams, Wi-Fi 7 is set to redefine the benchmarks of wireless networking. With the Wi-Fi Alliance’s anticipated unveiling of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED […]

Patent Litigation Funding: 8 Mistakes you can’t afford to make

Patent Litigation Funding 8 Mistakes you can’t afford to make

This year, Colibri Heart Valve, a medical device start-up, went into a legal battle against the industry giant Medtronic CoreValve. This case not only earned its place among the top US patent awards of the first quarter of 2023 but also put a litigation funder – Burford Capital, in the forefront. The litigation funding from […]

Top 20 Patent Buyers Of Cancer Curing Technologies

Top 20 Patent Buyers Of Cancer Curing Technologies

During the second quarter of 2023, there was a 7% increase in patent applications for immuno-oncology compared to the previous quarter, indicating a dynamic transformation in the oncology landscape. Interestingly, along with patent filing, we also saw companies actively acquiring patents in the domain. Thus confirming that it’s not just the number of patent filings […]

Patent Encumbrance: 6 Factors You Must Consider During IP Due Diligence In M&A Transactions


Jon, a high-ranking executive of a tech firm, recently reached out to us with a request to find valuable Wi-Fi6 SEPs his company should buy. As soon as we ended the kick-off call, we opened our comprehensive IP due diligence checklist. After considering commercialization, competitive advantage, and other factors for patent buying, we recommended a potential […]

Patent Infringement using Source Code review and these 3 Strategies

Infringing patents using source code review and these 3 strategies

Infringement analysis requires more than just being well-informed. While traditional methods may serve as a helpful starting point, they are often inadequate, given how time-sensitive patent infringement cases are. And as GreyB researchers, we leverage our extensive knowledge and innovative strategies to overcome unique obstacles as quickly as possible.  In this article, we will share […]

2023 Guide on How to Sell a Patent at its Best Value – GreyB

A guide to sell your patent at the best value

As a seasoned innovator or senior patent counsel, you likely recognize that selling patents can be a swift avenue to generate income. However, it’s easy to fall into the tempting belief that merely obtaining a patent will automatically attract multimillion-dollar offers from eager buyers ready to bring your invention to market. Because reality rarely aligns […]

An overlooked aspect of USPTO Patent Assignment Data in startup scouting


The often-overlooked aspect of traditional startup scouting is the relationship between startups and financial institutions, particularly manifested through patent transactions. However, this information carries substantial relevance and is even readily available in the USPTO Patent Assignment Database. Startups that engage with financial institutions, especially by utilizing their patents for loans, are not only demonstrating their […]

Impact of the Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court? Key Steps to Consider

Should you opt-in to the UPC system?

European Patent (EP) has been a common patent valid across 39 contracting member states (27 EU countries and 12 other European countries). However, the downside of it has been that the patentee must validate the EP patent within different contracting countries separately after its grant. In addition, once the EP patent is granted, the post-grant proceedings/procedures […]

5 Patents in Self-driving that could be threat to every automobile company

5 patents in self driving that could be threat to every automobile company

As innovation in self-driving technology is picking up the pace, acquiring the right patents can be crucial for IP managers to ensure their company stays ahead of the competition. But it isn’t as easy, and you already know that.  Analyzing multiple patents and figuring out the best of the lot can get cumbersome. To make […]

Product Testing to prove the patent infringement by a leading dating app


Samuel (a Patent Attorney at a leading law firm in the USA) was exploring DatingArc (a famous dating app) as a potential infringer on one of his client’s patents. Despite his best efforts, he wasn’t been able to gather enough evidence to prove his case. That’s when he turned to GreyB’s infringement team. Initially, what […]

10 Patent Buyers Ready to Pay Big in 2023

10 patent buyers ready to pay big in 2023

Analyzing your patent portfolio and potentially selling your patents to interested buyers can be a smart business move. And you already know that. Right? Therefore, to help guide you in this process, we’ve compiled a list of the ten companies actively acquiring patents. This list is curated by our monetization team, who tracked Assignor to […]

Top 10 Banks that take Patents as Collateral for loans

Top 10 banks that take patents as collateral for loans

Irrespective of the company’s size, finding an alternative funding source can be challenging. While startups/smaller companies may struggle to secure funding for R&D or to support their growth strategies, established companies may face similar challenges during difficult economic times or unexpected obstacles. Fortunately, in times of need, patents can be used as collateral for loans. […]

The 2021 Brokered Patent Market Report Summarized

2021 Brokered Patent Market Report

Last year, we observed the operating companies picking up with respect to patent buying. But this isn’t true for all aspects of the market. So the question remains, “Has 2021 brokered patent market rebounded from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic?”  To answer this question we looked into the 2021 Brokered Patent Market Report. This […]

5 Patent Monetization Strategies to fall back to during the recession

5 Patent Monetization strategies to fall back to during recession

  According to a Forbes report, out of the 2.1 million active US patents, hardly 5% have reached the market. About 90% of the patents fail to be commercialized or find angel investors or licensees. One of the main reasons for filing patents is to use them as company assets. But, if you haven’t been […]