The State of Innovation in Australia

Traditionally, the Australian economy has been highly dependent on mining operations and farming. Although consistent innovation is happening in the mining sector, the other sectors are being hugely neglected. In comparison with the other OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, R&D investment by both private and government entities is low in Australia. Often […]
Top 50 Innovative Companies of the 4G LTE Domain

From beating drums and lighting a fire for smoke signals to say a hello over a receiver, and then to the 2G, 3G eras, and from there to the current hot topics of communication – 4G and 5G – we humans have seen it all. In the recent past, our data requirements in day-to-day tasks such […]
5 Countries from Mideast Innovating in the USA

When we talk about the region having innovative and successful countries, the list can’t go on without having Mideast on it. Apart from a major source of the world’s crude oil and petroleum exports, countries from Mideast have also earned accolades for a hub for successful startups. The transcontinental region in the western part of […]
Why IP Benchmarking is Important?

In recent years, technology has witnessed a significant rise in patent filing activities. This has presented some problems and posed critical questions in front of management. Some of them being: Are we spending more money on patents as compared to our competitors? What is our ROI on patents? Are we filing patents in the right […]
The Technological Evolution in The Golf Industry

Sports – A major source of entertainment for centuries altogether has not yet witnessed a plunge in its popularity. In fact, with the evolution of technology, they have become more popular than ever. A major reason behind their increased popularity being improvement in various facets– Be it in the design of sports equipment or apparel, accuracy […]
A Cross Company Patent Analysis on Salesforce Acquisition

The IT industry is known for its fair share of mergers and acquisitions. From acquiring nascent start-ups with a small revenue stream to those with huge potential, the technology industry has seen it all. Be it WhatsApp’s $19 Billion acquisition or Nest for $3.2 Billion, the industry does only little not to surprise us. Running […]
The Race of Singapore to Become The Next IP Hub of Asia

As the global economy is becoming innovation-centric, growth today has become almost impossible without taking IP into consideration. Singapore, where the growth of IP sector is quite apparent, is moving in a direction to cement itself as the IP hub of the Asian region. The Singapore Government, for that matter, has announced an Intellectual Property Hub […]
Amazon & Facebook – Patent Portfolio Insights

Amazon & Facebook – Patent Portfolio InsightsInfogram