How Competitive Patent Landscape Analysis helps IP Counsels?

A patent counsel’s job is not limited to patent prosecution, litigation, and maintenance only. A patent counsel wears multiple hats and plays a key role in strategic planning –in business as well as R&D, assesses present technical competencies of his firm, predicts technological trends in the future, and anticipates a competitive environment. In today’s article, […]
Twitter Patent Portfolio – A Little Organic and Mostly Acquired

Twitter’s strategy to make its platform more engaging and less spam turned out to be great. And the company is not just thriving but has great user growth and along with it is what every company longs for – a good revenue. In the fourth quarter of 2019, Twitter’s revenue amounted first-time ever to over […]
Xiaomi’s Global Expansion Plan is Steered by Patents – A Patent Portfolio Analysis

Xiaomi has been surprising the consumer electronics industry with its innovative and affordable products since its inception. Founded in 2010, the startup quickly became a smartphone leader in the Chinese market. Its success was attributed to its innovative e-commerce tactics, which gave it a first-mover advantage and resulted in a rise in smartphone demand. The […]
Blockchain Patents: Research Trend, Top Companies, and Application Areas

Editor’s Note: Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton (a leading US patent law firm) and GreyB Services collaborated to help you understand what kind of research trends 12 fast-growing tech sectors are displaying. To achieve the objective, we analyzed the patent filing trends of these industries at the USPTO. A copy of the full published study is available […]
How to use IP Data for R&D Hiring?

Since time immemorial, great companies have become great by hiring the right people. A rookie might wonder why. But seasoned players understand that it is your people who decide your reputation and place in the business – A key reason behind companies’ constant desire to lure and retain the best. Now, one of the key […]
Cannabis Prosecution Trends: The Effects of Cross-Industry Citations on Cannabis Patent Grant

The overlap of the Cannabis industry with various other industries is not news anymore. Industries like Pharma, Food and Beverage, etc. have a lot in common with the Cannabis industry. But one difference that sets things apart is that these other industries have been longer in the market than the Cannabis industry, and resultantly have […]
Our Experience: Common Problems for Patent Review Boards and Our Processes for Solving Them

Especially at young, fast-growing companies, few employees are under more pressure than members of the Patent Review Board, or PRB—also known as a Patent Review Committee. Generally composed of scientists and engineers who’ve done time in the trenches of R&D, the PRB acts as a vital go-between higher-ups and engineers and scientists, translating executive direction […]
Should you File Design Patents?

Editor’s Note: Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton (a leading US patent law firm) and GreyB Services collaborated to help you understand what kind of research trends 12 fast-growing tech sectors are displaying. To achieve the objective, we analyzed the patent filing trends of these industries at the USPTO. A copy of the full published study is […]
Artificial Intelligence Research Trends based on Patents

In 2018, we witnessed a dramatic rise in AI-based platforms, tools, and applications. One reason is that the big players from multiple domains like Google, Qualcomm, NVIDIA, Facebook, Microsoft, and IBM are investing in AI R&D to bridge the lab to the consumer gap. Another reason for the growth in AI research is an increase […]
A 15K Feet View of Top 12 Emerging Technologies

What are the research trends our industry is following? Which competitor is building what kind of technical expertise? Are these among some of the questions that you want to get answered? Patent analytics is one of the ways to understand the current trend and forecast the futuristic ones. Further, it also helps decision-makers as you […]
This is the solution to the problem of current outsourced reports CXOs consume

In the last article, What Is The Problem With Current Outsourced Report CXOs Consume?, I discussed the problem with the current outsourcing practices that CXOs follow. They receive customized analysis which paints a part of the big picture they want to see. Result: they get answers to a particular set of questions while a big […]
What is the Problem with current outsourced report CXOs consume?

“The CTO’s key tasks are not those of lab director writ large but, rather, of a technical business person deeply involved in shaping and implementing overall corporate strategy.” ~~ W.W. Lewis in MIT Sloan Management Review In most businesses, it comes under the responsibility of C-level executives (CXOs) to assess potential new technologies, profitable mergers […]
How China is going to be the next innovation hub?

IP House, a research group of 30 IP professional set up in 2014, analyzed 5022 out of 5432 cases handled by the Beijing IP Court, one of the three specialized IP court of China. Out of these 5022, 1095 cases were by foreign litigants. This makes 20% of the total cases litigated in the Beijing […]
Which are the Top Patent Prosecution Firms in Germany?

Encompassed in beautiful alpine ranges, Germany – the second-largest country in Europe – boasts not only of scenic beauty but is also an important hub of innovation. Home to major pharmaceutical and automobile manufacturers, the country has been a center of innovation in Europe for decades. When we are discussing the innovation quotient of a […]
Unitary Patent Court and the Global Patent Market

After traveling together on a long road for 43 years, on 19 Feb 2013, the 25 member states signed a deal to end the regime of the “bundled patent” system by setting up a Unitary Patent Court in Europe. The agreement is a major landmark that will affect the population of 400 million across member […]
Top Non Practicing Entities (NPEs) Holding Patents in 4G LTE

In our last post in the LTE series Top 50 Innovative Companies of 4G LTE, we shared that Qualcomm is one of the top innovators in this space, filing a maximum number of patents in the 4G LTE domain. It was not surprising at all, as the company is already a prominent player in the communication sector. […]