Top 50 Innovative Companies of the 4G LTE Domain

From beating drums and lighting a fire for smoke signals to say a hello over a receiver, and then to the 2G, 3G eras, and from there to the current hot topics of communication – 4G and 5G – we humans have seen it all. In the recent past, our data requirements in day-to-day tasks such […]
Patent Prosecution Strategy: Negative Claim Limitation Sounds Positive Now in Patents!

Claiming what you haven’t invented can get you a patent granted. Surprised? Well, this could be true. Want to find out how? Read on: First of all, let me shed some light on what a Negative claim limitation is? It is a limitation added solely to exclude a few elements of the invention, or in […]
Patent Invalidation Search – University Publications as a Source of Non-Patent Literature

You may attest to the fact that a lot has already been written and discussed on the importance of searching in non-patent literature when performing a prior art search. However, not much (almost nothing) has been written that discusses the importance of searching university publications while conducting a patent invalidity search. Why are University Publications important […]
Do You Want to be Our Next Research Partner?

But there’s a catch. Patent research is not cost effective for many businesses and they prefer ignoring it. As it doesn’t fit into their budget, they tend to go for low cost solutions. This leads to a weak IP strategy that hurts them in a long run. Here is a quick question for you: are […]
Smart Prosecution: How to File More Patents for your Clients?

Do you know how smart devices work? They do many things even before you instruct them to do so. For example, Google Assistant can set a reminder automatically after reading your email about an upcoming meeting. Cool, isn’t it? Smart prosecution stresses on a similar thought where you exceed your client’s expectations. To be precise, it […]
Smart Patent Prosecution – How to Save Client’s Time and Money?

hbspt.cta.load(1791848, ‘5a9b267c-02a7-4033-a894-fa9187d5e4d6’, {}); Over the past few years, the Patent Office has taken multiple initiatives – Track One examination, Accelerated Examination (AE), Full First Action Interview Pilot Program, and Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)– to combat application backlog and expedite patent examination procedure. These accelerated programs, without doubt, speed up the prosecution process; however, they are also […]
Patentability Searches: How we Repeatedly Find a Needle in a Haystack

I love patent search, not because I’ve expertise in the area or I find them easy to conduct, but because it helps me to make my contribution in making the patent world unambiguous. I get an opportunity to determine whether a patent deserves to get granted or not. And yes, I also get an opportunity […]
Patent Invalidation – Why to Consider Images in a Prior Art Search?

How do I find a hidden prior art? – Doesn’t this question bug everyone when we conduct an invalidation search? While some of us try new strategies to excavate one, others explore patent databases that have not yet been explored. To sum it up, we all rely on text to find a prior art. Isn’t it? We […]
5 Countries from Mideast Innovating in the USA

When we talk about the region having innovative and successful countries, the list can’t go on without having Mideast on it. Apart from a major source of the world’s crude oil and petroleum exports, countries from Mideast have also earned accolades for a hub for successful startups. The transcontinental region in the western part of […]
Alice Based Rejection – Now the Protocol Patents are under Threat

In a lawsuit of 7 patents, Apple passed a motion asserting 2 of Ericsson’s patents as invalid based on 35. U.S.C.§ 101. In the light of Alice ruling, Apple stated that PROTOCOL patents are similar to software patents (abstract concept) and hence, are not valid. Here are few examples of patented protocols which according to […]
Why IP Benchmarking is Important?

In recent years, technology has witnessed a significant rise in patent filing activities. This has presented some problems and posed critical questions in front of management. Some of them being: Are we spending more money on patents as compared to our competitors? What is our ROI on patents? Are we filing patents in the right […]
The Technological Evolution in The Golf Industry

Sports – A major source of entertainment for centuries altogether has not yet witnessed a plunge in its popularity. In fact, with the evolution of technology, they have become more popular than ever. A major reason behind their increased popularity being improvement in various facets– Be it in the design of sports equipment or apparel, accuracy […]
Smart Patent Prosecution – 5 Types of Patent Examiners You Should Know!

Innovation often starts with a “light bulb moment”. One works on their idea and then from idea, s/he moves to invention, and in the end to a patent application. Thereafter it’s up-to a sharp-eyed patent examiner to keep the ball rolling. That’s to say, it is him who decides whether your idea deserves a protection […]
Client Satisfaction – A Saying or An Experience

We work on a lot of IP commercialization projects. If you ask, what is our motto when we are working on such projects, we would say: “At GreyB, we are committed to help our clients monetize their IP.” It might sound absurd/offbeat right now, but once you read what we did, we will get your vote of […]
6 Hit and Miss of PatentsView That You Should Know

Last Week, USPTO launched a new tool to visualize the patent data of past 40 years (1976-2014). Its development is a part of Barack Obama’s plan that began in 2012 and aims to increase the value, utility and transparency of US patent data. To develop PatentsView, USPTO collaborated with USDA, the Center for the […]
USPTO Launches Collaborative Search Pilot Program for Improving Patent Quality

The USPTO recently launched a new collaborative search pilot program with JPO and KIPO to ameliorate patent quality and derive more consistent results. The pilot program with JPO was launched on 1-August-2015 and with KIPO on 1-September-2015. Both the programs will be active for 2 years, examining 200 applications each per year (400 totals), that can […]