This is How Pokémon Go Can Save Itself from Patent Litigation

The irresistible desire to search and capture all the Pokemon is making its players do everything to ensure that the game becomes a phenomenal success. The location based augmented reality game has attracted all age groups and compelled them to leave their couches and be sporty. First launched in few part of the world, the […]

How Technology Timeline Can Help Find Hidden Prior Art

technology timeline prior art

With the passage of time, technological terms have evolved drastically. Earlier phones were called radiotelephones, later as mobile stations, and now we use user equipment. Did you also consider how advancements in technology’s timeline can help in searching for challenging prior art? Great! We also did and found that they helped. Further, using a technological […]

The Hidden Gems in the Patent Portfolio of Singapore’s A*Star

A*Star is one of the entities with an exciting patent portfolio distributed across diverse applications. This was precisely the reason we picked it for our study on analyzing the potential of patents. As You Sow, So Shall You Reap The above saying holds true for A*Star that has sown the seeds of the patent. But […]

Patent Acquisition Strategy: Why you should focus on Mortgaged Patents?

A smart patent acquisition strategy helps a company maintain its competitive edge and to avoid litigation – pending or imminent. Any company looking for potential targets for acquisition faces two biggest problems: Whether the patent in question is really good? Whether the patent owner would be willing to sell the patent? Is there a one-stop […]

How to Defeat A Design Around, Prove Infringement, and Increase Value of a Patent

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a product was infringing on your patents? But you could do nothing as the product was designed around to avoid infringement? More often, we come across a situation where we identify a lot of potentially infringing products; however, these products have one or two features preventing […]

The Examiner Office Action Report is Your Next Step towards Smart Prosecution

Chess, when played beyond a basic skill level, is not a game about pieces; it’s about reading your opponent. This saying applies to patent prosecution, where each written document has an inherent risk of introducing rejections. Further, extended arguments are generally more expensive since they require additional time to draft and edit. For this reason, […]

How Patent Monitoring Report Can Help In Holistic Competitor Intelligence?

patent monitoring report

How far have your closest competitors come? What patents? In what countries are they valid, and for how long? Or, more specifically: What has happened in your particular technological area during the last six months? Competitive intelligence is an essential strategy, especially when it comes to monitoring a competitor’s patent portfolio. Obviously, you know your […]

Attorney Ethics and IPR Invalidations – Clients Need To Know

patent infringement approach to identify products

In 2005 the Intellectual Property Owners Association (“IPO”) conducted a survey of its members on the subject of patent quality.  At that time, more than 50% of responding IPO members felt that the quality of their patents was either less than satisfactory or poor. For most, patent quality means the ability to enforce, and enforcement […]

Which Are the Most Valuable Patents in Qualcomm Patent Portfolio?

With a valuation of over $85 billion and 130th rank in Fortune 500, Qualcomm has indeed come a long way since its humble beginning in 1985. The turning point of their fortune was the mass adoption and implementation of the CDMA standard proposed by Qualcomm in 1990. This was a milestone in their progress and in the following years, they contributed […]

This is How IP Benchmarking Can Provide You An Actionable Insight

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” – Sun Tzu In today’s […]

5 Things to Do When An Examiner Rejects Your Patent

Joe is an inventor. Like most inventors, Joe has worked obstinately and carefully towards designing an invention which he believes is going to revolutionize the world. Joe wants to claim the invention to prevent others from stealing his intellectual property and consequently decides to get a patent. But one thing that Joe doesn’t know is […]

How We Used Reverse Engineering to Confirm Patent Infringement?

Reverse engineering patent infringement

One of the major challenges faced by a patent licensing manager is to find and prove evidence of an infringement. Not so strong evidence of the use chart can become a standalone factor for the failure of a patent licensing program. Reverse engineering can help confirm patent infringement by mapping relevant claims to the result […]

Smart Patent Prosecution – How to Increase Grant Rate of a Patent?

Getting a patent application granted on the first go is a rare phenomenon. According to statistics, of all the patent applications received by the USPTO, over 90% are initially rejected. Thus, getting a first-time rejection is quite normal. What follows next is an immense struggle — Convincing the examiner with facts and logic which consumes its […]

Four Step Approach to Performance Analysis in IP Asset Monetization

ip monetization performance analysis

The importance of performance analysis for success in any walk of life – be it business, academia, or anything for that matter – can’t be stressed enough upon. A lot has already been written and discussed on the subject. However, there are only a handful of articles discussing how to go about it, the pre-work […]

Concept Hacking: A Methodology to Deliver Outstanding Results

Failure testing, Statistical control, Total quality management – There isn’t a dearth of approaches followed by Quality Assurance teams of organizations. No doubt, these approaches have proven their mettle as a fail-safe tool before delivering a solution or rendering a service to a client. But are they enough? Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. […]