Invalidating Design Patent: How we found Prior Art in a Museum?

We find prior art in a lot of unconventional places. Sitcoms, Pop culture magazines, FCC ID databases, Internet archives – Well, almost every place where you would least think of finding prior art. Having have found the impossible from places unimaginable, we were a bit awed when we found prior art in a Museum. Albeit an […]
Patent Commercialization: 5 Ways to Make Money From Your Patents

A registration of patent provides an exclusive right granted to the inventor, to exclude others from using their invention of new product or process, in any manner without their permission. Now, this is common knowledge that it is a monopolistic right, which could restrict others from using or infringing on the patent holder’s rights. Given […]
Protecting IP with Software Escrow – Why, When and How?

During the setup of a software, it is critical to understand whether associating a software escrow is needed or not. For the uninitiated, Software Escrow is a service that acts as a security blanket to all the parties concerned, by storing all confidential information with a neutral party, also known as an escrow agent, while […]
7 things an Attorney must share before a Patent Validity Search

The purpose of a patent validity search is to validate the enforceability of claims of a patent. If you a plaintiff, a patent validity search will help you know if your patent is going to survive in a courtroom or not. If you are a defender, a patent invalidity search may help you invalidate one […]
Why GreyB is one of the best Patent Search Firms that can provide you Relevant Prior Art?

You would have handled cases where you gave the same search to multiple firms and only a handful returned with the art that you were looking for. Why is it that some search firms find the right prior-art while others don’t? If we look broadly, they all operate on the same data, right? If search […]
How did we find Prior Art in a Sitcom?

I’m a self-confessed fan of sitcoms and movies. A binge-watcher by nature, I often spend weekends endlessly staring at my laptop screen, with munchies on my side, so that I don’t have to hit pause for trivial reasons such as hunger pangs. I love watching sitcoms! How often it happens that binge-watching shows help you […]
Patent Invalidation – 4 Instances Where We Invalidated Patents using Unconventional Methods

Click to read this article in Chinese 🇨🇳 What exactly is the objective of an invalidation search? That’s an easy question. Of course, it is to find a result – one that discloses every aspect of the patent in question (Called as Tier I). If not so, we look for a number of results that […]
Recurring FTO vs. One Time FTO – What you should go for?

During the course of the past decade, We have worked with various IP counsels, and figured that their strategy towards freedom to operate search can be classified into two major categories – Those who prefer to get FTO studies conducted multiple times as the product and its features evolve during the research and product development […]
Do you find yourself clicking like crazy on Patbase? Stop! There is a solution.

The Winter was slowly paving the way for the Spring. The warmth of sunshine, from the side window of your car, seeped into your skin. And by the time your reached office, your spirit was on cloud nine. With coffee on your side, you sit front of your laptop to resume the search project. Only […]
Telecom Patent Litigation Report: Down and Down, the Numbers go

As 5G technology is approaching realization faster, a surge could be noticed in the patent filing activity by telecom companies. China is at the forefront, in terms of filing numbers, as major telecom giants like ZTE and Huawei are filing patents internationally with good momentum. Qualcomm, the top innovator in 4G LTE, is not behind […]
Patent Monetization: How to Increase the Monetary Value of a Patent?

Someone once said, “The chances of a person winning a lottery are greater than a person making a fortune out of their patents.” Whether I could deem this person wise or otherwise, for saying so, I am not sure. Over the years spent in the domain, what I have learned is that a lot of […]
Hackers tip – One tip to Enhance Readability on USPTO

As Professionals in Patent industry, we spend most of our time reading patents on USPTO Patent Database. Oh yes, there’s google patents too, which has hands down, made our life easier, but sometimes for the sole love of USPTO, we love to go back there and read patents. Nothing wrong with that. But don’t you […]
What You Should Look for When Deciding A Patent Search Partner?

James, a renowned Intellectual Property attorney from the US, works with IP search/consulting partners for assisting him with patent analysis. These IP partners perform analyses like patent validity search, market analysis, infringement analysis, et cetera. This is an industry-wide practice now and many breakthrough decisions have been made over the past few years because of […]
What is the Problem with current outsourced report CXOs consume?

“The CTO’s key tasks are not those of lab director writ large but, rather, of a technical business person deeply involved in shaping and implementing overall corporate strategy.” ~~ W.W. Lewis in MIT Sloan Management Review In most businesses, it comes under the responsibility of C-level executives (CXOs) to assess potential new technologies, profitable mergers […]
These searches are an attorney quest but search providers neglect them

Whether a corporate or a law firm, it relies somewhat or more on different search vendors for IP related searches. Generally, they have to be choosy and pick one or two good search vendors (out of the bunch) who could help them with the required searches. But, this is a case only with the most […]
How we found references in non patent literature without performing an NPL search?

Prior art search is a big part of the work we do. When we started, we were convinced that prior art searches should never be run with a set framework where only the following few defined steps will lead to a result. Since X type results can be anywhere and they do not follow a […]