Why Keeping a track of reassignments in your domain is important?

Patent transactions in a domain can reveal many overlooked insights — Insights that your competitors might not be paying attention to when crafting their research and development strategies, or when planning a new business model, or even while simply performing a market analysis. Take the example of smartwatches. Recently released Apple Watch series 4 is […]

Getting a Claim chart? Beware of coincidental mapping!

Claim charts play a crucial role in litigation. The strength of mapping can become a deciding factor that could turn the balance of the game in favor of either party. However, it ought to be noted that claim charting is a manual process, which leaves the chances of human errors and resultantly, weak links. Some […]

How Patent Due diligence can help you in making Acquisitions?

patent due diligence

What happens when a company has a strong patent portfolio but is not able to convert the IP assets into financial ones? Add to it, the rising operational costs that are affecting the financial health of the company. Now picture this – the aforesaid company is your key competitor and is going to file for […]

Prior Art Search: Everything You Need to Know

If you want to understand prior art searches, you’ve landed on the right page. By the time you finish reading this guide, you’ll likely have built a solid understanding of what can be included in the prior art and how to use this knowledge to conduct a patent search and avoid spending valuable resources on […]

How SWOT Analysis Can Unlock Potential of Your Patent Portfolio

Running a successful organization is not an easy task. There are multitudes of goals to track, competitors to beat and a product line to build and protect to survive in the cut-throat race. During those times, a patent portfolio is the best weapon for an organization that can act both as a shield and sword […]

3 Instances Where We Invalidated Patents Infringed Under ITC Section 337

invalidate patent itc section 337

Patent infringement has become a lot common in the past couple of decades. With increased interconnectivity among technologies and the existence of thousands of patents covering them, it has become difficult to innovate without having infringed on at least one patent. Infringement is common and so are lawsuits filed in district courts demanding royalties. What […]

How are Damages Calculated for Patent Infringement in the US?

Patent Infringement Damages Calculation

In the US, litigation costs anywhere around USD 3-4 Million, with damages awarded, on an average being 8.9 Million USD. The largest patent infringement award to date is $2.54 billion.  As I was reading through these figures,  I had albeit one question in mind — How is the amount of damages calculated in a patent infringement? How […]

Is Your Patent Prosecution Strategy Smart Enough?

Joe is the owner of an IP law firm. His firm is popular among clients for his smart prosecution strategy. His clients claim that he understands the minds of examiners at the PTO and is well aware of their patent prosecution patterns like average actions per patent. But how does Joe know all about it? […]

How We Found Prior Art For A Trade Secret Infringement Case Under ITC 337?

Trade Secret Infringement ITC 337

How difficult is it to find a solution to a problem you know nothing about? Difficult? Very difficult? Preposterous, you say? No, we are not being ludicrous. Though less often, there are instances when you’re looking for solutions to a problem you know little or nothing about. Despite multiple solutions that exist for every problem in existence, it […]

5 Ways Patents Helps Make Smart Investment Decisions

Patents help in Investment Decisions

Investment decisions are not made in a vacuum, they have a context. The main question is – What is that context which you should set, as an investor or a VC, before making an investment decision? For a long time, investors have followed the practice to include a company’s stock, brand reputation, and its market […]

5 Ways to do an Advanced Prior Art Search Yourself

advanced prior art search

Have you come across a situation when the search vendor you hired returned with a report concluding “no reference found”? There could be multiple reasons that your vendor returns with such a report. Few among many could be a patent being strong/novel or time allocated is not commensurate with the technology area a patent falls […]