How to use IP Data for R&D Hiring?

Since time immemorial, great companies have become great by hiring the right people. A rookie might wonder why. But seasoned players understand that it is your people who decide your reputation and place in the business – A key reason behind companies’ constant desire to lure and retain the best. Now, one of the key […]
Cannabis Prosecution Trends: The Effects of Cross-Industry Citations on Cannabis Patent Grant

The overlap of the Cannabis industry with various other industries is not news anymore. Industries like Pharma, Food and Beverage, etc. have a lot in common with the Cannabis industry. But one difference that sets things apart is that these other industries have been longer in the market than the Cannabis industry, and resultantly have […]
Should eCommerce Websites be worried about getting sued for listing infringing products?

Recently, Hailo Technologies LLC – after three continuous attempts at suing the manufacturer of Anker Roav SmartCharge Car Kit – sued Best Buy, Target, and Walmart for infringement through the sale of Anker’s devices. While this clearly looks like a move made after extreme frustration, things might not go well for these online retailers. For […]
The Ultimate Patent Due Diligence Checklist for Prioritization

If you are a Patent counsel, or in any way responsible for the patent acquisitions of your company, you might be receiving multiple requests from inventors or companies to purchase/license their portfolio. Patent due diligence, resultantly, becomes a core part of your job. Having said that, we’d agree that analyzing each and every portfolio can […]
Books: A wonderful source of finding prior art!

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” ― Jorge Luis Borges I’ve heard this quote many times, yet hadn’t felt it until now. Recently, I was analyzing the stats of the projects we’ve done over the last year and was very happy that in the majority of the cases we […]
10 High Value Artificial Intelligence Patents you should know about

In his book The Road to Wigan Pier, Orwell describes how the poor miners in the 1930s who couldn’t afford to buy coal from the market painfully scavenged bits and pieces of it from the slag-heap mountains near the mines. The situation can be fairly compared today with scavenging for valuable patents, but with an […]
How to find patents from your portfolio for licensing using Office Action Data?

Patents with high licensing potential, also known as star patents, are highly sought by almost every in-house IP sales team and patent brokerage teams. However, finding the top 50 star patents from a portfolio of 10k+ patents is quite a challenge, and it has been bothering both in-house licensing teams and patent brokerages for a long time. Fret not […]
The Secret For Maximizing Return On Investment While Monetizing Patents

Today was the most important day in Bob’s life. Bob holding a Mont Blanc in his hand was seconds away from signing a deal with XYZ Technologies. Bob is a patent owner who had spent 10 years of his life researching technology focusing on call forwarding and ring silencer techniques in mobile phones. After spending […]
Case of really tough LED patent previously under lawsuits and part of PTAB petitions.

“My client wants a fresh search on a patent about LED substrates” emailed an attorney – our repeat client – on a Friday. “Of course, we can help you as this is relatable technology”, replied a new associate from our Sales team after having checked with me twice on a Friday night call, “We are […]
We Found Prior Art for a 4G Telecom patent using Link Adaptation Concept from 90s

“I don’t know what else I can tell you, it seems nothing good exists,” said the attorney on a conference call. This conversation took place during one of the interim connects in the project lifecycle (mostly around 40% or 80% completion point). The patent we were tasked to invalidate was around communication technology, relevant to […]
Calculating the Expiry Dates for Terminal Disclaimer Patents

You might agree with me when I say that Terminal disclaimer calculations are confusing. Terminal Disclaimers are known for tangling the already tangled expiry date calculations. In the last couple of years, with almost every attorney I talked to, I found an element of obscurity w.r.t TDs. There are a lot of rules and if-else […]
How to perform a Patent Infringement analysis by yourself

Mark (Amused): How did you do it? There isn’t a single strategy that fits, I’ve been spiraling down and folding back with every other search partner. Aadesh (Me): Feels like an endlessly branching maze, doesn’t it? Mark, who is an IP Counsel was struggling with a patent infringement case and had faced disappointment with every […]
Shadowing a New Analyst’s approach to Patent Monetization

With every project comes a challenge, and with every challenge that we overcome a milestone is set. Most of you would relate to this – some when they push their limits at the gym, others when they come up with stronger and stronger arguments each time they appear in front of the court. For most […]
Patent Preliminary Analysis – Which Patents Can be Invalidated?

Almost every day, multiple patent litigations suits are filed. The increasing frequency of these cases indicates companies are now more inclined to stop competition or get value over their claimed invention. But what if these claimed inventions are not new/valid – Is this deal fair? As per recent statistics, In 764 out of 1086 IPR […]
GreyB’s Patent Ranking Engine Helps a Patent Counsel in Monetization

Imagine a situation where you are collating a patent portfolio for monetization or there’s a plan to acquire patents. This is like investing in gold or platinum, sort of a difficult call, isn’t it? Before putting huge efforts into portfolio formation, you would like to get positive indications on the patents so that you can […]
List – 18 Marketplaces Where You Can Buy and Sell Patents

Whether you’re looking to monetize underutilized patents, acquire IP for strategic protection, or navigate licensing opportunities, finding the right marketplace is a critical yet time-consuming challenge. The landscape is fragmented as each marketplace has its own focus, pricing models, and buyer/seller dynamics. Sifting through them to find the best fit for your organization requires hours […]