Why Terminal Disclaimers are Easy to Overlook but Lethal if Ignored?

Terminal Disclaimer cover

It was the onset of the new millennium. Three different entities- a cardiologist, a university, and a non-practicing entity (NPE), at three different points of time, committed a similar mistake which killed their chances to earn millions in patent royalties even though their patents were being infringed and brought to the attention of the court. Do […]

How Much Does A Patent Cost in Major Countries?

How much does a patent cost

How much does a patent cost in … the US? Canada? Europe? China? Japan? South Korea? India? All right, one can always Google and find the cost of filing a patent in each of these countries. However, there is a lack of a one-stop blog listing the cost of filing, obtaining, and maintaining a patent […]

Patent Licensing Insights on Interactive Patent Portfolio available on IAM Marketplace

Patent Licensing Insights is a section featuring insights/trends from our in-house tool BOS, which can help anybody in designing and picking appropriate patent monetization and acquisition strategies.  Short for Business Opportunity for Sales (not a great name but we love the abbreviation), the BOS tool: Onto the insights, now. Scroll through the IAM Market on any given […]

InterDigital Patents Position them a threat to Chinese Companies

interdigital patent acquisition

On Apr 28, 2020, InterDigital entered a worldwide patent licensing agreement with Huawei Technologies Ltd, and also settled all litigation against each other. The licensing agreement runs through 2023 and covers royalties from the sale of some of Huawei’s 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless telecommunications products. Huawei is a much bigger company then Interdigital yet […]

USPTO “Patents 4 Partnerships” – A brief introduction and takeaways

USPTO has become a focus of interest these days, with the release of Patent Center recently and now the USPTO IP Marketplace.  This IP Marketplace called the “Patents 4 Partnerships” is an initiative by USPTO to put together those who have inventions that they want to license or sell to others. Looking at the current […]

The 2019 Brokered Patent Market Report In A Nutshell

With the overall change in the patent market- dropping sales, increase in software patent sales, rise and fall of NPE litigation and the mere existence of Alice, it is important to encompass the various aspects of the market, and ask pertinent questions about the same. Questions like, which companies have been the top patent investors? […]

Google Patent Search – A Definitive Guide for All Kind of Patent Searches

Google Patents Search

If you are planning to conduct a Google Patent Search and want to try your hands on Google Patents, you landed on the right page. This is one of the most comprehensive guides ever written on the web on Google Patents Search. Even if you have already used Google Patents search engine and are at […]

IDS Management Simplified – Designing the ideal tool for your IDS needs!

In the previous article of this series, we talked about the need for an IDS management system. We focused on various problems and solutions related to IDS management our clients discussed with us. You can check that article from here – Say goodbye to Information Disclosure Statement woes! In our experience, we found that every […]

Patent Licensing Insights – Could you be next on WSOU’s Patent Infringers’ list?

Patent Licensing Insights is a section featuring insights/trends from our in-house tool BOS, which can help anybody in designing and picking appropriate patent monetization and acquisition strategies.  Short for Business Opportunity for Sales (not a great name but we love the abbreviation), the BOS tool: Can help find prospects that would be willing to in-license or purchase […]

How Competitive Patent Landscape Analysis helps IP Counsels?

competitive patent landscape analysis

A patent counsel’s job is not limited to patent prosecution, litigation, and maintenance only. A patent counsel wears multiple hats and plays a key role in strategic planning –in business as well as R&D, assesses present technical competencies of his firm, predicts technological trends in the future, and anticipates a competitive environment. In today’s article, […]

USPTO Patent Center – A Massive Treasure Chest for IP Industry

The patent community has been facing a few prevalent issues recently. On 20th April, the USPTO unveiled the Patent Center in beta version to address those issues. The main highlights of this Patent Center include: You can check out all the features of the Patent Center here.  Here’s a quick preview of the Patent Center. […]

This Tool can help bid Goodbye to your Information Disclosure Statement woes!

Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) puts a heavy administrative burden of ‘Duty of Disclosure’ on IP professionals, both in corporations and law firms managing US patents. This duty to disclose known material prior to art applies to all the people involved in preparing the patent application. That is, not only the applicant but the patent attorneys […]