Who Owns Core 5G Patents? – Essentiality Check on 5G Declared Patents

This report is an update to the report titled “Exploration of 5G Standards and Preliminary Findings on Essentiality” published May 26, 2020. This report covers more than 700 technical specifications and technical reports related to 5G technology covered in the 3GPP Portal. The scope of the prior report covered 12,002 patent families, having 63,985 individual […]
Track recent patent assignments using GreyB’s assignment tracker

This assignment tracker helps you keep a track of recent assignment/reassignment activities happening in the US. The list provides the top 50 most recent patent assignments registered in the US patent office. Why should you keep a track of patent assignments? Keeping close tabs on patent assignment and reassignment activities gives you the intelligence that […]
Patents Insights – Alarm.com acquisition of SDS and role of Onalert?

On December 14, 2020, Alarm.com, a big company in security solutions added Gunshot detection to its business line by acquiring Shooter Detection Systems (SDS). Source: https://www.alarm.com/about/press/PressGeneric.aspx?cmid=730 M&A generally, is a good step towards enhancing a business line. Further, any M&A deal is always well thought of and includes multiple parameters that are assessed before giving […]
How are American Multinational Technology Companies Strategizing their Trademark Filing?

Companies like Apple and Google strategizing their trademark filings isn’t a news flash, right? But today we’re going a step deeper into the making of these trademark strategies and explore the one that has left us the most astound- Google’s Tongan shell diversion. However, before we get to it, it’s important to know if a […]
How we found a prior art in patent invalidity case from a previous lawsuit

Has this ever happened to you during a litigation grade search that you found prior art in complaint documents? Yes, those very documents which in a previous infringement lawsuit was used to invalidate the claims of a patent? Not yet? Grab a cup of Joe as today I’ll narrate the tale of how we found […]
The Conundrum of Application of Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy in Light of Business Strategy, and its Significance to the Corporate World in Contemporary Settings

Abstract & Introduction: Every leading firm of the current time cements their foundation with their IP portfolio. By integrating IP into every vertical — like R&D, strategic planning, and product development cycles — a firm can seamlessly leverage multiple opportunities and enhance its value in the competitive market as well as protect itself from the […]
12 Companies doing groundbreaking work in IP Legal Tech

‘What should I do differently today if more and more IP departments are digitizing every process and preparing themselves for the future. Should I also try few advanced tools? If so, which one would suit my requirements best?’ – Have these thoughts crossed your mind recently? These thoughts had been making Sam, senior counsel at […]
List – 77 Patent Brokers From Different Countries

So, you’re here, looking for patent brokers. You probably want to sell your patents, or maybe you are looking to buy more, so be sure to check out the latest trends in Brokered Patent Market. Whatever the case might be, you’ve landed on the right page. Many of our clients find themselves in similar situations […]
How we used literature available after the cut-off date to find X references?

“Do you think prior-art searches are only about looking at relevant literature available before the cut-off date?” – I asked the newly joined members of my team. All bewildered by the question, responded with a nod in unison. “Well, you all are kind of right. This is the reason most of the searches are focused on […]
Smart Patent Prosecution: How to break free of the rejection-response loop and grant your applications efficiently without losing millions?

If I tell you, you could customize your internal patent tools with additional information, do you know the kind of possibilities it can open up? Depending on the tool and the customization, you can find patents and applications that are eating up resources without being of any value, taking exceedingly long to grant, and are […]
Walmart Case study – How to find monetization opportunities using data instead of hunches?

When you are managing a portfolio of 100 patents or less, you probably are aware of all the gem patents. You may be selecting the gems based on vapours reasons like – they protect your products they overlap on competitors products they are part of the future product plan they can generate licensing revenue in […]
Proven strategies of detailed infringement analysis for distinct cases

How do we identify infringing products? What is that one strategy that makes GreyB different? Chakshu, director at GreyB, wanted to prepare a list of all strategies we use to identify infringing products. To find the answer, he called the whole infringement team for a meeting. Puzzled, the team went over to the meeting room. […]
Designing a Product – How Ignoring Patent Clearance Search could be fatal?

You (or your company, for that matter) are working on developing a product. A result of a ton of brainstorming, a dozen or more presentations to senior management, and a couple of approvals – You have high hopes for the product. A significant innovation in your niche, you are pretty sure the sales numbers would […]
How we used the Doctrine of Equivalent to prove Infringement?

Have you ever faced the challenge where you know your subject invention is being infringed by a company but you have no proof of it? What do you do in cases where the products that could be infringing are not disclosing their invention? When there’s no proof found in the literature or in any of […]
How to find prior art when mathematical expressions are part of the claim elements?

Finding prior art for a patent that has a mathematical expression or a complex equation in its claim is hard. If you have worked on such cases before, you would know it is not like another keyword-based search that can be done by anyone. Spending more time would also not give you the desired result. […]
Companies turn down the offer to license or buy my patent. Why?

Ever wondered why you are not able to license or sell your patents despite them being of high value? Often, I come across licensing managers, IP heads and patent owners confused as to why they are not able to license or sell their quality patents? A refined question would be – how to financially get […]