Drone Patents available for purchase


“COVID may have an end in sight thanks to vaccines, but the lessons and values realized by critical infrastructure companies operating drones during the pandemic only pave the way for more adoption of drones in the future.” — Cynthia Huang, VP of Enterprise Business Development, Auterion. The Covid-19 pandemic brought forward a lot of changes, […]

How to identify distressed companies for acquisition using patents?

How to identify distressed companies for acquisition using patents?

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected several industries around the world. Businesses have taken a hit and most of them are adopting a myriad of approaches to combat these tough times. While retailers are shifting from Brick and Mortar to Online, some businesses are holding on to their assets and looking for investors to stay afloat […]

How to do a Patent Search Yourself? – A Patent Search Tutorial

How to do patent search

If you have been searching for a comprehensive guide on how to conduct a patent search, I would like to congratulate you because your search has just ended. This is your one-stop solution where today I’ll walk you through how to conduct a patent search either patentability search or prior art search by yourself using […]

Finding system prior-art in old battered phones (Patent invalidation)


Imagine this – A leading smartphone player comes to you with a litigation-grade search project for a smartphone-related patent. If the fact that this patent was in litigation does not sound challenging enough, here’s some additional info – The patent-in-suit has already been through multiple rounds of searching by numerous IP vendors, and the patent stood […]

4 Types of Patent Searches: Everything You Need to Know

types of patent searches

Intellectual property, especially patents, are one of the most important intangible assets of a business – especially the ones that sustain majorly by inventing and innovating. Given that the development of any kind of invention consumes a lot of time and money, it only makes sense to protect the inventions by protecting/patenting them. Getting a patent […]

Acquire Standard Essential Patents in 5G to grow your portfolio

Acquire 5g standard essential patents

With the deployment of 5G networks speeding up across the world, 5G SEP declarations are also skyrocketing. All the SEP holders are aggressively declaring their 5G SEPs to ETSI to strengthen their position in the industry. Nokia, for instance, announced last year that they declared over 3000 5G families to ETSI (source). Samsung also claimed […]

7 Unconventional Ways to Perform A Design Patent Search

design patent search

There are a hundred different ways to perform a patent search – You can perform it on a commercial or a free patent database. You might choose a conventional way or go totally out of the league – and choosing any of these ways can help you accomplish the task. But often, those common and […]

Auto Players, this is how you can strengthen your position in the industry


If you are a high-level executive working in the automobile industry, you will quip – “The times are tough.” The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the industry hard. Every company is holding onto its cash reservoir, and sales have declined. Amidst all the chaos, some companies (startups and big players alike) are continuously investing in future […]

10 Proven Arguments To Respond to Alice Rejections

10 Proven Arguments To Respond to Alice Rejections

“In 2020, there were 27 software-related patents on appeal for subject matter eligibility. The CAFC found four of the patents either partially or fully eligible under Section 101. It found 22 patents invalid and remanded one case to the district court.” (source) In 2014, the US Supreme Court drastically changed the law relating to patent […]

How System Prior Art can help videogame companies avert patent litigation?

“Gamers are the most passionate people in the world and it’s painful when you make them unhappy”. Jack Tretton, President, and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America (2013) We have to agree with Mr. Tretton’s characterization, for a lot of us, are a part of this gaming coterie. Talking about our coterie, another segment you […]

Patent Licensing Insights: Buy drone patent technology

patent licensing insights buy drone patents

Imagine this – It’s late in the afternoon. You had a heavy lunch an hour or so ago, and your eyes are drooping now. All you want is a nap, but you cannot because you have work and responsibilities. Now, what if, right then, from nowhere, a drone lands on your workspace carrying a cup […]

How to find prior art without spending countless hours on citation analysis?


Have you ever been lost in the ocean of cited references in a patent invalidation search?   Citation analysis, although a powerful strategy, is often limited to the second or third generation of cited patents. It is difficult to go beyond because as you go from the third to fourth generation patents, the number of patent […]

Top 10 US Patent Infringement Cases with Largest Patent Damages

10 Largest Patent Infringement Awards

Recently in March 2021, Intel Vs. VLSI made the news when the Texas court asked Intel to pay $2.18 billion to VLSI for infringing two of their patents. The amount was the second highest patent damages award in US History. In the history of initial patent damages awarded in the US, there were few cases […]