List – 65 Drug Patents that are Expiring in 2025

Drug Patents expiring 2025

With the explosive growth in the generic drug market, generic companies (like yours) are battling to claim a share of the soon-to-be-expired drugs as quickly as possible. You would want to know as much as possible. We totally get it. And keeping that very thought in mind, we collated a list of 65 drugs going […]

List – 54 Drug Patents that are Expiring in 2024


With the explosive growth in the generic drug market, generic companies (like yours) are in a battle to claim a share of the soon-to-be-expired drugs as quickly as possible. You would want to know as much as possible, and keeping that very thought in mind, we collated a list of 54 drugs that are going […]

List – 51 Drug Patents that are Expiring in 2023

51 Drug Patents Expiring 2023

2020 we published an article covering 91 drug patents expiring between 2020 and 2022. If you are working in the pharma domain, working on the development of generics, you would want to know what drug patents are expiring in the coming years to plan accordingly.  With the explosive growth in the generic drug market, companies (like yours) are battling […]

How did we find Prior Art in YouTube’s video demonstrations?

prior art search YouTube

Have you ever heard of hiding in plain sight? How often do you skip the details because they look pretty obvious? But, a more important question, why am I asking these questions? It’s well understood that a keen eye is required for analyzing patents. A miss of a single result can be catastrophic. For example, in […]

List – 31 Biologics Coming Off Patents Between 2022 to 2027

100 Biologics Patents Expiring

Biologics have been observed to be a rapidly evolving area within biotechnology.  Cancer, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes treatments account for over 60% of the biologics market. Thus making it extremely expensive with prices increasing by the day. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these high prices are restricting the healthcare systems from providing affordable, […]

How to select the best legal software tool?


I’ve seen docketing systems missing lots of basic checks that can be programmed in a day. For instance, I’ve experienced IDS filing systems that do not check if cited references are in sync with family members. These are basic checks that’d be in the muscle memory of a paralegal working on IDS Preparation. I am […]

How to find an IP service provider that meets your needs

IP service providers

“At the end of the day I can get the work that I need, but if I would have done the work myself, I would have done it differently.”, relatable? This is the problem that some of the best in-house patent counsels shared with me, but according to them they never talked openly about it. […]

Avoid SEP Litigation with 5G in the Healthcare Sector! GreyB found the solution

SEP litigation in 5g healthcare

With our previous articles on 5G in the Healthcare sector, it is apt to wonder if turbulence brought by the introduction of 5G to the various other technical domains is waiting to shake the Healthcare sector too. The e-Healthcare market around the globe is flourishing and the major contributor is the pandemic that expedited the […]

Applying First principle thinking for invalidating a software patent


If you have ever received a software patent for invalidation that has claims like a “computer command” that comprise –  1) DOM index value,    2) DOM property name, and    3) DOM property value in the web page being rendered for “synchronization testing and analysis”. …you know it is not going to be an […]

Brokered Patent Market Report 2020 Summarized

brokered patent market report

“Corporate patent buyers have pulled back and NPEs have moved in with more buying (often with cash), accounting for almost 70% of patent sales as of last quarter. In fact, they are buying more than what is listed on the market.” – 2020 Brokered Patent Market Report by ROI  The patent market has been ever-evolving […]

Finding a killer Prior art with a special analysis tool

killer prior art

While on a hunt for a killer prior art, even after putting in all your blood and sweat, it is not certain that you will hit right on it. One of the many reasons could be that the industry or, the technology area you are targeting, may not have the relevant prior art. Where could […]

Managing your Organization’s Data in an efficient manner

Managing your organization's data efficiently

Have you ever spent a lot of time sifting through information that already exists within your organization? Has it ever happened that the internal knowledge of all the past projects got overlooked by the assigned team member and you ended up working on similar projects from the scratch over and over again? 54% of US […]

Patent Invalidation search: Invalidating a Med-Tech patent by concept-hacking

Patent invalidation search: Invalidating a MedTech patent using concept hacking

“… Intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience”, Einstein said. Ideas are just a mash-up of already existing information. And what if I tell you with that logic, we conducted a successful patent invalidation search of a recently litigated patent in the US? Yes, that’s right. One of our old clients, Sean, […]

These 15 Claim Chart Mistakes Can Kill Your Chances to Win Litigation


This article is written by Andrew Schulman, Consulting Expert & Attorney at Law, and it appeared first on his LinkedIn profile. Claim charts (infringement contentions [ICs], invalidity contentions, etc.) are required in patent litigation under the Local Patent Rules (LPRs) adapted in most federal district courts. The rules require something that doesn’t just look like […]