Celebrating India’s groundbreaking innovations

From USB (yes that’s right!) to talking gloves (again, yes!) India has given some noteworthy innovations to the world. Over the last year alone, IIT Kanpur – a prestigious institute in India, has filed a record-breaking 107 patents. With this, IIT Kanpur has broken the previous record of most number of patents filed by any […]
Finding the right problem is more important than finding a solution.

Whenever my mentor discussed a problem with me, my first thought was to find the solution. Obviously, it is an attempt to show I am capable and make an impression, but then we are conditioned to run after the answer without considering the problem at hand. Well, you might be baffled by the play of […]
Disclaimer: This article isn’t useful, it’s just interesting!

Did the title leave you bewildered? Mahesh’s recent email started with a similar disclaimer: “This email isn’t useful; it’s just interesting.” The next thing I know, I am gulping down every word of it even though I wasn’t aware of terms like __MACOSX, RAN WG1, etc. Why? It was interesting, and you don’t have to […]
How can AI impact the patent system?

As AI advances, one of the important, practical challenges that courts, governments, and regulators face is whether current intellectual property legal frameworks are equipped to address a question that is already upon us: Can an AI be granted a patent? In recent developments in this area, a UK court has ruled that since ‘Dabus’ (an […]
#2 Supercool analysts at GreyB (#IAMAGREYB)

Do you remember science classes in school where we used to DIY various projects? You indeed do, it was one of the most innovative things we did as children, but as we grew up, this spark to DIY crazy tech dies and we get engrossed in our professional life. The only people I see innovating […]
6 Google Alerts Tips For Expert Use

I am going to share six Google Alerts tips you can use to track Competitors/Technology on the web without spamming your inbox (Just like the experts). *wink* With so much data being available on the internet, tracking technology/companies can be challenging. And as someone at the top of a multi-million dollar company, it becomes even […]
Eat the Frog – Break the vicious cycle of Procrastination

For the longest time, I was thinking of turning this email from Sonali into an article, but for one or the other reason kept on delaying it. Ironically, the email shared by Sonali describes the means to Overcome Procrastination, so I finally implemented what she shared and ATE THAT FROG, presenting you this article on […]
Get Inspired – Young Inventors changing the world with their masterminds

Did you know that the smart stick for blind people was innovated by a 14-year-old? Yes, Riya Karumanchi from Toronto was an eighth-grade student when she grabbed the opportunity to innovate and help the visually impaired. “I always wondered how the visually impaired and blind community deal with the challenges that they face on a […]
The uncommon question – What is NOT going to change in 10-years?

What change can be seen in 10-years? What will be different 10-years from now? But, one question is not asked much and can open room for interesting conversation – “What is NOT going to change in 10-years?” Let me take you through a conversation that happened recently within GreyB and how it unfolded into what […]
Time travel to find prior art in a Social Media project

GreyB researchers handle multiple projects and since we have teams that are expert in different technologies, we as a company get exposure to see the future from various angles. As an editor, I read multiple case studies, and it isn’t a bed of roses! Though I cannot understand the struggle of our researchers, as they […]
Growth within GreyB – Life Inside

How often have you been confused as to what the other person expects from you, be it your mentor, your manager, or your employer? How often have you racked your brains wanting them to blurt it out? No secrets, no sugar coats. Would it make everything easier right? But have you ever thought about it […]
This Women’s Day – A tribute to the Women Inventors who made our lives easier!

On May 5, 1809, Mary Kies became the first woman to receive a patent in the United States for her technique of weaving straw with silk. Does it mean that women inventors didn’t exist earlier? Obviously, they did, but property laws in many states had made it illegal for women to own property on their […]
What our experts have to say about the Clarivate Patent Trend Report 2022

While going through weekly emails from the marketing team, I stumbled upon the above statement. This in return made me search more into the Clarivate Patent Trend Report of this year. I have seen similar reports but did not know what to expect from this one, and how I could make it worthwhile for our […]
Google sheet tips that every researcher should know

The internet has become indispensable for a long time now, especially for researchers. And while there’s a list of things they can use it for, Google giving them the ease to keep their research on the cloud so the whole team could work in the same space sheet tops the chart. Right? Not just that, […]
Inventions that were completely accidental

When thinking about inventions, more or less, we assume that a lot of planning went behind them. But surprisingly, a lot of products that make an irreplaceable part of our daily lives are in reality accidental inventions. Even choco chips! Don’t believe me? Check out this list of 7 accidental inventions. And who knows what […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for the Innovative Minds

Holiday Gift exchanging calls for making the best of the latest innovations and getting something for your friends and family that leaves them awestruck. But what high-tech gift could become a part of their daily lives? (after all, we don’t want our gifts sitting in their drawers.) Well, this is where this article on holiday […]