KJ Method can help your R&D team innovate faster, Here’s how

When solving a problem, we often organize brainstorming sessions with the team. This involves dozens of brains shooting ideas like a machine gun. However, the generation of a huge heap of ideas, not surprisingly, often becomes a problem itself. Having too many solutions and ideas (mostly solving only part of the problem) on hand can […]
Major Technology Scouting Challenges and How to Overcome Them?

Innovation Leader surveyed over 25 executives from $1 billion+ organizations in innovation, R&D, corporate development, and strategy. The report, Best Practices: Scouting Trends and Emerging Technology, highlighted three key issues that technology scouts encounter today. These were – Building strong ties with business units (mutually benefiting from the technology scouting work). Investing enough time in […]
What is Technology Scouting and how can it help you Innovate?

Technology Scouting is the process of discovering, analyzing, and evaluating new or existing technologies that will help them with their innovation process. In simple terms, it is a process for companies to find the necessary technology outside the company. It is an important aspect of the open innovation strategy. The economy is rapidly expanding, and […]
Why should your R&D and IP departments collaborate?

A solid patent strategy is just as important as a well-planned business strategy for a corporation. With thousands of patents being filed every year by technology giants, developing a patent strategy is more challenging than ever. Business strategy is always market-driven, and so should be a patent strategy. It is important to understand the current […]
How to innovate and create demand for your product using the Blue Ocean Strategy?

Before Ford’s Model T was introduced in 1908, the 500 automakers in America were building customized novelty cars only. Even though numerous automakers existed, the automobile industry was small, and the cars produced were unappealing and overpriced. The cost of a single automobile back then was $1500, on average twice the annual salary of Americans. […]
What is Startup Scouting and How it helps in Innovation?

“Yes, I get that innovation is the need of the hour, but we are in a rut. We have been working on this for months, and there seems to be no end in sight!”, said David, exasperated. David is the R&D head of a big dairy company and one of our newest clients. Here’s an […]
How Collaboration is Fostering Innovation in Food & Beverage Industry

Compared to other industries, innovation in the food and beverage domain can be quite slow. However, the industry progressed during covid to keep up with the rapidly evolving consumer habits and needs. And post-pandemic, it has become vital for the Food and Beverage industry to make room for collaborative environments given that consumers expect more creativity, new […]
How can innovation adoption help your R&D team?

Innovation is the heart of every company, but what if it becomes an obstacle to its growth? How do companies dodge that bullet? The answer is innovation adoption! Companies often deal with issues in research, product optimization, and many other fields. Unfortunately, such problems hinder the company’s growth and prevent its products from reaching their full […]
Cross-Industry Innovation – Accelerate Innovation in your Company

If I ask, “Are you aware that innovation can take your business to the next level in your domain?” You’d answer, “Obviously, Yes.” But, being aware of your business’s next plan and implementing that plan with the right strategy are two different things. This means innovating but in the correct way to gear up the […]
How to use patent analytics in your open innovation process?

To leverage external smarts, P&G launched its Connect and Develop (C+D) program in 2002. The C+D website later (www.pgconnectdevelop.com) became the binder for innovators, scientists, engineers, university researchers, and entrepreneurs with P&G. By 2014, more than 35% of new product launches were due to leveraging external smarts – the percentage was 15 in 2000. The […]
Morphological Analysis – A problem solving method to aid the idea generation phase

Morphological analysis is simply an ordered way of looking at things. ~Fritz Zwicky Morphological analysis was invented by Fritz Zwicky, a Swedish astrophysicist who used morphological analysis to solve a lot of incoherent aerospace and astronomical problems. He used it to develop jet and rocket propulsion systems in classifying astrophysical objects and other complex aspects […]
Cross-Industry Innovation: How to find solutions from other industries?

Almost every day, we see some company, a giant, specializing in its own domain, stuck in a bit of a pickle. The pickle could be some trouble with its research, its product optimization, or any other area which might be hindering the company and its products/research from reaching its full potential. At times, the company […]
Enhancing Understanding of Technology Readiness Levels through Patents

“In some ways, Technology transformation can be a little confusing”, I thought to myself as I sat writing this article. Why’s that? you ask. Well, to many of us transformation can implicate finality – that once we’ve managed the shift, that’s it. Now we can reap the rewards of it for years to come. But […]
Prediction as a service: The Future Triangle Framework can help you correctly predict future

What if I tell you I can help you predict the future? Most people might come to you and say that analytics can help you achieve exactly that. Reality is – it cannot. Where we are right now, i.e., Present, results from the compounding of the decisions we have made up until now. Similarly, the […]
Dear Startups, Here’s When and Why you should seek an Early Patent License?

Revolutionary innovations can occur anywhere – Be it in a basement, a garage, or just over a cup of coffee. Resultantly, there is a constant rise in startups and small-scale industries all around the world. Each of them hoping to make it big on their own. But not everyone succeeds. As a startup, you might […]
How to use IP Data for R&D Hiring?

Since time immemorial, great companies have become great by hiring the right people. A rookie might wonder why. But seasoned players understand that it is your people who decide your reputation and place in the business – A key reason behind companies’ constant desire to lure and retain the best. Now, one of the key […]