
Prior Art Eliminated a Million Dollar Mobile Design Patent Infringement Lawsuit on the Manufacturer

Value Delivered

The prior art identified by GreyB provided a strong foundation for the mobile manufacturer’s legal argument, significantly contributing to their ability to resolve the dispute favorably, thereby mitigating potential financial repercussions from the lawsuit.

Problems Solved

The case was centered on the compact structure of mobile devices, emphasizing a distinctive multi-piece chassis design. The patent database and non-patent literature repositories were exhaustively mined yet yielded no documents directly addressing this particular unibody assembly.

The search was further complicated by the specificity of the structure in question, which resembled none of the conventional designs disclosed in the existing body of mobile phone-related patents.

Solution Offered

To navigate the challenges, the approach pivoted to analyze the elemental design aspects of related waterproof technologies, identifying a new direction for our search. Incidences of analogous unibody configurations in waterproof speakers and cameras provided a foundational lead. 

This strategic shift helped broaden the search parameters beyond the immediate realm of mobile phones, leading us to uncover key prior arts that showcased the early utilization of unibody structures in various electronic devices, including critical insights into their internal component layouts.

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Researchers Driving Success of the Patent Invalidity Project

Picture of Eklavya Saini
Eklavya Saini

Senior Research Analyst at GreyB

Experience in Automobiles, Manufacturing Machines, Brakes, Electronic-cigarettes, Power Steering, Aircraft interiors, Mechanical components of Medical Devices, Consumer Electronics, ATVs, Renewable Energy etc.

Invalidation Searches - 90+
Strength Check - 35+
Patentability Search - 60+
Freedom to Operate - 50+
Design Search - 25+
Landscape - 10+

Picture of Nikhil Gupta
Nikhil Gupta

Assistant Vice President, GreyB

Experience in Telecom, Semicon, Audio & Video Coding, Consumer Electronics, CELP, MPEG, Carrier Aggregation

Invalidation Searches (450+)
Freedom to Operate Searches (120+)
Strength Check (100+)
Patentability Search (80+)
State of the Art Search (15+)
Landscape Analysis (5+)
Infringement Searches (30+)

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