
Invalidated a "Multi-point Magnetic Buckle" patent by investigating top companies in the industry

Value Delivered

The thorough prior art search and analysis enabled the successful filing of a petition for inter partes review, challenging the contested patent’s validity.

It facilitated amending claims to avoid potential infringement and achieve a favorable out-of-court settlement. Eventually, this ensures a smooth entry into the new industry and safeguards against costly litigation.

Problems Solved

The case posed several challenges, as there was a large amount of literature on magnetic buckling systems, which made finding relevant prior art a difficult task. The extensive volume of existing literature on magnetic buckling systems made isolating relevant prior art difficult. Focusing on three- and five-point magnetic buckling systems narrowed the search, but verifying the release dates for similar product structures, particularly from Fidlock, proved difficult.

Despite indications suggesting these products existed before the cutoff date, conclusive evidence remained elusive, even after in-depth archival searches.

Moreover, identifying similar patented technologies within vast patent databases presented an additional layer of complexity.

Solution Offered

The search concentrated on specific multi-point magnetic buckling systems, leading to the identification of pertinent products, including those from Fidlock.

When concrete evidence for product release dates was not available, the strategy shifted to examining patent filings by Fidlock and similar organizations. This redirection led to the discovery of substantial prior art, which was crucial in challenging the validity of the disputed patent.

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Researchers Driving Success of the Patent Invalidity Project

Picture of Surbhi Gautam
Surbhi Gautam

Team Lead at GreyB

Experience in Telecommunication (5G, LTE, 3G, etc.), Audio and Video encoding, WiMax, Analog/Digital Circuits, Internet of Things, VOIP, Semiconductor Chips, Operational Amplifier

Invalidation Search (250+)
Strength Check (70+)
Patentability Search (30+)

Parvez Alam

Senior Research Analyst

Experience in Human-Robot Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Semicon, Industrial Robotics, Audio and Video encoding, H.264 standard, Analog/Digital Circuits

Invalidation Search (150+)
Strength Check (40+)
Patentability Search (20+)

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