Value Delivered
The use of CAD visualizations proved invaluable in uncovering pertinent prior art, especially when conventional sources failed to provide sufficient information. This unique method greatly strengthened the case and played a key role in achieving a positive out-of-court settlement for patent invalidity.
Problems Solved
The focus was on the outer structure of a wall-mounted hanger, particularly the extension flanges. The broad technology domain of hangers led to a vast amount of prior art, complicating the analysis. Despite exhaustive searches through patent and product repositories, no direct references were found.
This extensive search was further pressured by the urgency of the case proceedings, significantly elevating the stakes and costs involved.
Solution Offered
To address the complexities, the focus shifted to the structural aspects of hangers within design patents. This approach led to the identification of a promising Japanese design. Utilizing CAD software to enhance and better visualize this prior art provided a crucial lead.
The strategic use of design software allowed for a more detailed representation of the structural similarities and differences, which was instrumental in strengthening the case.
Get the full case study to discover how GreyB used CAD visualization to invalidate a wall-mounted hanger patent.
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