
Here’s how Carbon Waters helps industries switch to Graphene-based materials. Insights from Alban Chesneau, CEO.

Traditional performance materials like steel are prone to corrosion, especially in harsh environments such as marine or industrial settings. Polymer alternatives and composites may lack the necessary mechanical strength for high-stress applications, leading to faster wear and tear. These materials struggle with efficient heat dissipation when used in electronics, leading to overheating and reduced performance. Furthermore, they can cause batteries and supercapacitors to have limited energy density and lifespan.

Graphene can be an effective solution to all of these problems. However, integrating graphene into existing materials without compromising their properties can be difficult. Furthermore, producing high-quality graphene at scale is complex and expensive. Some startups, like Carbon Waters, are developing unique graphene-based performance additives that meet market adoption challenges.

We spoke to Alban Chesneau, the CEO, to understand how their additive solution can help industry leaders use graphene more effectively.

This interview is part of GreyB’s Scouted series. In this series, we spotlight innovative startups and speak to their founders about how their solutions can revolutionize the industry by solving problems. You can find all those interviews here.

Author’s Note: Here’s a report on 5 game-changing battery startups using graphene to enhance their products.

Graphene has amazing properties, yet its adoption in the industry has been slow due to stability issues and a lack of suitable applications. Our innovation directly addresses these challenges, enabling widespread use of graphene in various industries.

– Alban Chesneau

Alban Chesneau is the CEO of Carbon Waters. He has a strong background in the development and industrialization of advanced materials, particularly graphene. Under his leadership, Carbon Waters has secured significant funding and developed innovative processes for producing graphene-based nanomaterials.

Overview: Pioneering Graphene-Based Solutions for Industry

Carbon Waters is an innovative company based in Pessac, France, specializing in developing and producing graphene-based additives for various industrial applications. Founded in 2018, the company has created a unique process to manipulate carbon-based nanomaterials, particularly graphene, in a stable liquid form. This groundbreaking technology allows for integrating graphene into polymers and composites, enhancing their mechanical properties and potentially reducing material usage and costs for their customers.

Watch the whole conversation here.

Here are the highlights from the interview.

What exactly is Carbon Waters’ technology, and how does it differ from other graphene products?

Our technology is based on a novel process that allows us to produce and stabilize graphene in liquid form without any chemical modifications. We use ions to intercalate between carbon layers in graphite, then apply high-shear mixing and controlled sonication to separate these layers. This results in pristine graphene that remains stable in liquid form, which is crucial for its integration into various materials.

Unlike other companies that may chemically modify graphene to stabilize it, our process preserves its original properties. This is significant because chemical modifications can alter the characteristics that make graphene valuable.

What are the main applications for Carbon Waters’ graphene-based products?

We primarily focus on two areas: coatings and polymer additives. Our graphene-based additives are used in primers in the coatings industry, particularly for metal surfaces in industries like aeronautics and marine. We’ve developed solvent-borne and water-borne additives to cater to different market needs and environmental considerations.

For polymers, we target thermosets and thermoplastics used in various sectors, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and wind energy. Our graphene additives can significantly enhance the mechanical properties of these materials, allowing manufacturers to use less material while maintaining or improving performance.

What challenges has Carbon Waters faced, and how have you overcome them?

One of our main challenges is the long development cycle for our technology. It took nearly 14 years of academic research before the company was even founded, and we’ve invested several more years and millions of euros in further development since then. This extended timeline can be challenging in terms of maintaining funding and momentum.

We’ve overcome this by focusing firmly on product development and market needs. Rather than pursuing a purely academic approach, we’ve worked closely with potential customers to understand their processes and requirements. This has allowed us to develop solutions that can be integrated into existing industrial processes without disrupting them, making our innovation more attractive and easier to adopt.

What are Carbon Waters’ plans for expansion and future development?

We’re currently in a transition phase from an R&D-focused company to an industrial model. Our primary focus is scaling up our product production and sales. We’re preparing for a Series A funding round of about 5-6 million euros to support this, targeting chemical-focused ventures and industrial funds.

Looking ahead, we’re also exploring exciting applications in energy storage, particularly for batteries and fuel cells. Our graphene technology could be a game-changer in this field over the next decade. Our ultimate goal is to significantly reducing carbon emissions across various industries by applying our graphene-based solutions.

What is Carbon Waters’ stance on patents and intellectual property?

We strongly believe in protecting our innovations through patents. Our initial technology is based on three patents from academic research, and we’ve since developed four additional patents. This commitment to intellectual property protection has been crucial in establishing our unique position in the market and attracting investment.

We view our patents as protection and a foundation for further innovation. They allow us to continue developing new applications and improvements to our technology while maintaining a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving field of nanomaterials.

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Meet our Interviewer – Vikas Jha, AVP, Solutions at GreyB

Vikas Jha is an experienced tech consultant focused on intellectual property consulting. With expertise in diverse domains like Telecom, Navigation, and Medical Devices, he helps clients navigate innovation challenges. His ability to bridge technology, innovation, and leadership makes him a valuable resource in the evolving tech landscape. Vikas has been featured on CNBC for his insights on next-gen technologies like space tech.

Click here for more startups interviewed by GreyB.

Authored By: Hemanth Shenoy, Market Research

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