“Corporate patent buyers have pulled back and NPEs have moved in with more buying (often with cash), accounting for almost 70% of patent sales as of last quarter. In fact, they are buying more [...]
While on a hunt for a killer prior art, even after putting in all your blood and sweat, it is not certain that you will hit right on it. One of the many reasons could be that the industry or,…
Holiday Gift exchanging calls for making the best of the latest innovations and getting something for your friends and family that leaves them awestruck. But what high-tech gift could become a [...]
Wondering what’s Coffee Break with RJ (aka Rohit Jaswal)? GreyB has been running coffee breaks with RJ for quite some time now, and we’ve had the pleasure of meeting some great personalities and [...]
Have you ever spent a lot of time sifting through information that already exists within your organization? Has it ever happened that the internal knowledge of all the past projects got [...]
The idea of learning from one another has been going on since the dawn of time. As humans, we evolved by learning from nature and each other. Our learning makes us who we are today, it builds our [...]
We all are familiar with the frustration of beating the sauce out of the bottle as the last of it sticks to the bottle. Well, the new packaging trends might finally be our rescue force. “People [...]
“… Intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience”, Einstein said. Ideas are just a mash-up of already existing information. And what if I tell you with that logic, [...]
One thing that IP World has for sure taught me is that you can never be too careful! There exists a patent for almost every weird thing you can think of. And this spooky season as you put on [...]